A Normandy Park, WA developer, CTB Venture LLC, is proposing a development agreement with the City of North Bend to turn 24-acres of vacant property located at the end of NW 8th Street – off SE North Bend Way near SE 106th PL – into a future housing development called The Village at North Bend.
According to a soon-to-be-published public hearing notice, CTB Venture is proposing about 53 single-family units and 50 single-family attached townhomes [in 3, 4, and 5 unit configurations] through Binding Site Plan Approval for the property.
Because the land is currently zoned Employment Park 1, which is an industrial zoning designation, the developer is proposing a Development Agreement per North Bend Municipal Code (NBMC), which could allow for the residential-only development.
NBMC requires a public hearing on the development agreement, which is scheduled for March 9th at 7PM, at North Bend City Hall, 211 Main Ave N.
According to the public hearing notice, “A recommendation on the development agreement shall be made to the city council by the planning commission. The development agreement shall be subject to review and approval by the city council based on the record of the planning commission hearing.”
Brandon Boothe, who’s lived in his home on SE 106th PL for seven years and was notified of the potential housing development, said he has concerns. According to site plans given to Boothe, two of the potential multi-story townhome buildings could closely border two sides of his property.
He said he had no idea the land surrounding his property could become a residential area, which was something he checked when buying the home, as he bought it for the privacy.
Boothe said he is not against development at all, he just favors it when done right. He said the townhomes should “blend in with the environment, not take over the environment.” He’s discussed the potential development with a city employee who said it is not a done deal, just something the city is looking at.
Currently there are very few residential homes on western edge of the city limits along SE North Bend Way. This development could mark a distinct change to that status if approved.
Anyone who cannot make the March 9th public hearing may also submit written comments by March 8th at 4:30PM. Comments may be mailed, personally delivered, or sent by facsimile to the City of North Bend. Comments should be as specific as possible and sent to: North Bend Community and Economic Development Department (CED) , 126 E. Fourth Street, North Bend, WA 98045; fax (425) 888-5636 or jburrell@northbendwa.gov.
Some other necessary approvals for the project to proceed, in addition to a city development agreement include:
- Certificate of Concurrency which includes proof of water and sewer availability, ¼ mile downstream analysis for stormwater capacity, and vehicular trip generation and distribution analysis
- Design Review per NBMC 18.34
- SEPA Determination
- Stormwater Management Approval
- Engineering Approval and Clearing and Grading Permit
- Binding Site Plan
- Environmental Review: A State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Determination and 15-day comment period will be completed for the development agreement.

Please provide an address for letters of concern from people who cannot be present at the meeting on March 9. Do we address them to someone in particular at City of North Bend? I’d like to advocate for sidewalks and bike paths in any new development in our fair city!
Hi Susan, I just added that info to the story for you. Sorry about not including that when it was published.
Say goodbye to your small town way of life….
“Say goodbye?” The small town way of life disappeared years ago… :/
I welcome new development in hopes that single parents like myself might be able to afford a home instead of paying rent to greedy landlords/property management. I earn a decent living (or it used to be considered decent for the area) and am seriously afraid of not being able to keep a (livable) roof over our heads.