Sno Falls Licensing Relocating to North Bend, into Stand-alone Space

In late December we told you now some big changes were in the works at Sno Falls Credit Union, as it continues modernization and expansion plans.

New Sno Falls Branches in North Bend, Snoqualmie

In late January or early in February, the Sno Falls branches currently located inside of the North Bend QFC and Snoqualmie Ridge IGA will close and move into new stand-alone, full-service locations.

The North Bend branch will move to the 320 Mt.Si Blvd in the Mountain Valley Shopping Center (Safeway Plaza) and the Snoqualmie Ridge branch will move to Center Blvd in the space formerly occupied by MyCakes.

Read earlier HERE.

Sno Falls Licensing Also Relocates

The other big change happens first – and pretty soon –  and has to do with Sno Falls Licensing, which is currently located inside of the downtown Snoqualmie Sno Falls main branch. It will also be moving to a stand-alone location – right next door the new North Bend location in the Safeway Plaza.

So if you need to grab your car tabs, take car of vehicle title and licensing, notary services, etc. – starting January 25, 2016, you need to head to the new North Bend location for those services.

For more information about Sno Falls Licensing (a local sub-agent of the Department of Licensing) and its services, visit


Sno Falls Credit Union new North Bend branche (left) and Sno Falls Licensing will occupy the retail space on the right in the Mountain Valley Shopping Center near Safeway.
Sno Falls Credit Union’s new North Bend branch (left) and Sno Falls Licensing will occupy the retail space on the right in the Mountain Valley Shopping Center near Safeway.


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