At this week’s school board meeting, the SVSD Board of Directors will be asked to approve a resolution to purchase three land parcels at the corner of Schusman Ave and Beta Street, directly behind the Mount Si High School football stadium.
According to a resolution contained in the March 10, 2016 School Board Meeting agenda, the estate of the property owner, Emily Adcox, approached district to see if they were interesting in buying the half-acre of property – and it was “determined that additional property is required to service the District’s school purposes and needs.”
The resolution states that the property “would be suitable for the district’s school purposes” and so the administration is recommending the board approve the purchase at Thursday’s meeting.
An appraisal was performed and a purchase price of $340,000 was agreed upon with the owner’s estate. Two of the three parcels of property contain homes, one small and one larger. The third parcel is just land.
The district has not yet said what use the property would serve, but it is preparing to start a complete re-build of Mount Si High School in 2017, and it has been noted in the past that more parking is needed for the large high school that is located on a relatively small piece of property.

This is great! We never know what our future will need near the school. Very glad they are being proactive. Love it.