Baxter Barn owner, Cory Huskinson, had a close encounter with a seemingly aggressive bear late Wednesday night, July 16, 2014.
The bear knocked over five livestock cages on the small working farm located near downtown Fall City, and according to Huskinson, “ate a goat, roosters and pheasants.” The bear also smashed coops and two apple trees on the farm.
Huskinson stated via email that the bear “didn’t eat any food [feed or feed cans] or garbage – was just killing and destroying things.”
Around midnight, Huskinson said he went looking for the missing goat on a 4×4 mule vehicle with headlights on and the bear, who was about 20 feet in front, came at him.
The Fall City area is no stranger to bears, with multiple sighting this spring and summer, but Huskinson says this particular aggressive bear is staying near the Issaquah-Fall City Road area – and was seen midday Thursday, July 17th, at 324th Ave SE and SE 44th Street.
Huskinson says three Department of Fish and Wildlife Officers cover the whole King County area and they get multiple, daily reports of the [more normal] bears in garbages and bird feeders, which detracts from dealing with problem, more aggressive bears like the one who wreaked havoc on his property this week.
To report aggressive bears or ones that kill an animal on your property call 911and the WashingtonDepartment of Fish and Wildlife at 1-877-933-9847.
Black bears are common in Washington State and the Snoqualmie Valley. State Fish and Wildlife Officer, Chris Moszeter, said in a past interview that bears killing pets, livestock or other animals is “not abnormal, but not common.”
Huskinson says the bear that killed his livestock was caught in a cougar trap once before, but destroyed it and escaped.

That’s what happens when you encroach on their habitat.
I don’t really think a bear did this.
Baxter barn is the oldest farm in Fall City. He’s not encroahing. It is very sad when anyone loses livestock like that hopefully this bear learns to fear coming to town before someone gets hurt.
What do we need to do to have the BEAR trapped again…???
Time to either trap or dispose of the bear. Relocation of course being preferable. We live in the immediate area and bears are not that uncommon. This is the first time in the area that we have had a problem bear. Sorry that Cory had to experience this – he runs a very nice operation at Baxter Barns.
This same bear attacked our chicken pen tonight. He torn down the fence about 5:30pm and thankfully I heard the chickens squawking. I scared him off, though I now have one missing chicken. We’ve been in our house 13 years, and our house has been here since 1978. We have a variety of wildlife coming through our yard regularly and we enjoy and respect it; however, this bear is dangerous for our animals and children who regularly play in our back yard. I’m not sure what is driving his aggressive behavior but unfortunately he is too dangerous to have around. I hope they catch him soon.
Hi rebecca – I’m doing a story on this today for Q13 FOX News – can you please give me a call at 206-391-3088. I’m in the Fall City area. Thanks!
Certainly habitat encroachment is a contributor, but the root of this problem lies not in habitat but in Olympia. When animal worshipers lobbied to eliminate hunting and hunting in particular with dogs, the fear of man (associated with his dogs) rapidly dissipated. Now the bark of a dog might well be more a dinner call than a cause for alarm.
This is a case of classic unintended consequences of urban folks trying to legislate for the rest of us. This may best be resolved by fearless dogs, expanded hunting season and reduced restrictions thereon.