This is some information to be aware of, but is not intended to create panic. As always, your home is safest when you lock windows and doors and keep the exterior garage door closed. Experts also say simply leaving exterior lights on when it is dark is a good way to prevent burglaries. For more tips on burglary prevention from the Snoqualmie Police Department click HERE.
Snoqualmie Police investigated an attempted burglary yesterday, January 2nd, in the 6500 block of Silent Creek Ave on Snoqualmie Ridge. This would be near Silent Creek and Carmichael Street/ “K North” area. It is believed suspects kicked in a door (or attempted to) which set off the homeowners alarm system. The attempt occurred around 12PM.
Captain Nick Almquist, Snoqualmie Police Public Information Officer, said there was also one other burglary/break in around the same time on Cascade Ave, also in the 6500 block. Captain Almquist commented that it appeared the intruders were looking for prescriptions and there was no monetary loss at this point.
Snoqualmie Police hve information that the subjects were knocking on doors, looking for unoccupied homes to burglarize. They are looking for anyone that may have come into contact with these subjects, or may have any specific information regarding the U-Haul truck, such as a truck number or license plate number.
You can contact Snoqualmie Police at 425-888-3333.

Do we know if the alarm deterred them from entering? We just installed a home security system so I’m curious as to how well they prevent burglaries like the one in Silent Creek.
That’s what some of the neighbors made it sound like, the police didn’t elaborate on all the details yet.
Must be druggies. Who else would try to break into a house with an alarm?
Good Idea to get an alarm… you get a 10% discount on your homeowners insurance as well.
I just passed a bunch of police surrounding a uhaul truck on swensen in deer park. Maybe they caught these jokers.