Business Comings: Dollar Tree to open on Snoqualmie Ridge

A new business is coming to Snoqualmie Ridge, taking over part of the space previously occupied by the Ridge Supermarket IGA: Dollar Tree. 

The former IGA space is being divided into two retail spots, with Dollar Tree occupying the middle spot next to Starbucks.

According to a press release dated August 17th, 2020:

Dollar Tree, Inc. announces its new Dollar Tree store in Snoqualmie, Washington. The 11,321 square foot store located at 7730 Center Boulevard SE is currently scheduled to open in early 2021.

According to Kayleigh M. Painter, Dollar Tree’s Investor and Media Relations Manager, the store will be open 7 days a week and offers great value and a broad assortment of merchandise all priced at $1 or less.

She added, “These values include seasonal decor, household products, Hallmark greeting cards, party and craft supplies, dinnerware, food, teaching and school necessities, health and beauty essentials, toys, books and much more.

Painter said a store of this size typically employs 12 to 20 sales associates.

Dollar Tree is a Fortune 200 Company that operates 15,370 stores across 48 states and five Canadian provinces as of May 2020.

Ms. Painter commented “Dollar Tree continues to grow and we are proud to be part of the Snoqualmie community.”

Interested applicants can apply online at or in person at the store location closer to its opening date.


Those are the facts; the question is: Do we address the elephant in the room, which seems to be the utter distaste some have expressed on social media regarding this new addition to the Ridges retail area?

  • “Gross. Please let that be a bad joke.”
  • “It will bring down property values.”
  • “Wrong clientele, wrong location, wrong everything.”

A quick internet search will show you many articles agreeing with the opinion that Dollar stores are bad for neighborhoods, but are they?

The consensus seems to be that they can be bad for low-income communities. These communities are already struggling to encourage the growth of grocery stores and access to fresh, healthy food.

Dollar stores, in general, not Dollar Tree specifically, can contribute to food deserts, an area that has limited access to affordable and nutritious food. Food deserts, in turn, can affect the health outcomes of a community. Fortunately for us, the Snoqualmie Valley is a food oasis and likely will not see this kind of effect. 

Another concern is the quality of the goods sold and where they are made. While it is true that many of the products sold in dollar stores are made in China potentially in not ideal conditions, that is also true of many of the products you can buy on Amazon or anywhere else for that matter. Many of the products sold at Dollar stores are made in the USA. Dollar Tree, in particular, is an American chain of stores. 

Will a store of this kind increase crime? Merely having a Dollar Store in an area won’t bring crime to a previously crime-free place, but their tendency to be in low income, high-crime neighborhoods can put them at risk. [1] Snoqualmie Ridge doesn’t appear to fit that problematic profile. I couldn’t find any evidence (which doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist) of these stores lowering property values. 

The positives of having this dollar store are having 12-20 more jobs, access to cheap goods, and new sales and property tax revenue for the city. We had one for a time in North Bend. I didn’t see any shootouts in the Safeway parking lot, but I did save a ton on those hellaciously expensive gift bags and cards during the holidays. I’ll likely shop there. What about you? Sound off in the comments below

 [ [1] ]

Snoqualmie Ridge Dollar Tree site plan
Former IGA building on Snoqualmie Ridge

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  • I’d rather see a Dollar Tree in that space than for it to continue to sit empty. You think that the products sold will be cheap and end up in a land fill? Then don’t buy them. I highly doubt that having a Dollar Tree will suddenly bring all the criminals in a 10 mile radius to the suburban oasis that is Snoqualmie Ridge. it’s still two blocks from the police station, in the middle of the business district, not some seedy dark alley.
    This isn’t a matter of what we would LIKE to see in that space, since it’s not something that the community can decide on our own. It’s not like voting to use taxpayer funds to build a gazebo or a bike park. You want so desperately to have a Trader Joes or some other market in there? Invest your money, lease the space, and open up a market – I am sure that plenty of companies have done an analysis on that location to determine if it is the right place for them, and they have clearly all decided it’s not. So let’s just be happy that SOMETHING is going in there, providing jobs for people who might need them, and providing affordable stuff for people who may not be able to spend as much as you can, even if it means that it won’t last as long.

  • I am glad to see SOMETHING going into the old IGA.
    I wish it was ANYTHING other than a Dollar Store.
    When did North Bend have one?? Why did it close?

    1. I want to say it opened 2010 ish? Not sure how long its been gone. I’m not great at paying at attention to dates…especially now.

  • One thing about capitalism is people vote with their wallets, and it’s a good thing. The mere fact that dollar tree decided to open a store here means there is a market, at least according to their market research, and if it proves to be wrong, they’ll be gone anyway, like any other business. Role of authorities should only be to ensure a safe and legal framework where all (suppliers and consumers alike) can participate, let the market take care of the rest.

  • Shame. Clearly Dollar Corp did zero research on the demographics in snoqualmie ridge. This town needs a second grocery option.
    Not a place for candy and party supplies under $1. Not sure the fast growing Amazon & MSFT families are in need of that.

    Waste of space, desperate move by the landlord.

  • North Bend had a small off-brand dollar store, this is a Dollar Tree, a Fortune 500 company and operates 15,115 stores throughout the 48 contiguous U.S. states and Canada. I wish it was something else too but the realty is this is a small market and your not going to get many retailers willing to take the risk.

  • I hoped for a Trader Joe’s or PCC grocery store to occupy the old IGA. Either would have been a good supplement for Safeway and a much better fit.

  • Hmmm if not a Trader Joe’s then maybe a craft store! I’m not a dollar store person but I know others are. If it doesn’t work it will go away. Kinda funny ridge folks think they’re bougie.

  • For the Snoqualmie Ridge this is the worst idea one could think of. Should have been a Trader Joe’s

  • Pretty good deal on pork rinds in this week’s ad. You gotta buy 12, but I’m okay with that.

  • What has the city been doing to recruit occupants? It would seem that other businesses would have been a better fit and saved us more time and gas avoiding trips to Issaquah. I, like many, others was hoping for a Trader Joe’s or similar. Although I do not see crime and the like as an issue, other choices would have attracted new residents and I do not see Dollar Tree doing that. Trader Joe’s would be a regular stop for residents and a selling point for Snoqualmie. Dollar Tree may be a stop for some and pay the rent/taxes. Better than empty and would like to understand what role the city played. What is the timing? Any prospects for the other half of the building?

    1. Well, given the plethora of cheap snacks for sale that I already referenced, what would really be an ideal fit for the other space would be a pot shop. A one-stop shopping experience far superior to picking up frozen chicken tikka masala and designer ice cream at Trader Joe’s. With the added benefit that some of you Ridge dwellers might just chill the frick out a little.

  • We waited for almost 3 years for a Dollar Tree??? You got to be kidding me. I cannot believe this one. We were hoping for a Trader Joe’s, PCC, something nice. Not a dollar tree. Well good luck visiting that store. If the other merchants couldn’t afford the rent, how the heck is the dollar tree doing it? Not unless the rent dropped way down. Well I guess kids will visit, I won’t.

  • Well, the OTHER half of this argument would be that the IGA site has always had limited parking that is shared with the surrounding businesses and the public library. Trader Joe’s in Issy has always been packed when I went there. Parking in Issy is ample, and that level of customer traffic requires a lot sized more like that of the Snoqualmie Safeway’s. The Dollar Tree won’t attract that volume of customers. No business really cares if the neighborhood approves or not. They only want a substantial return on investment, and they base these decisions on potential customer spending habits and other metrics from acquired data. Hey! Let’s open a year-round Spirit Halloween Store in the adjacent suite! You’d all be handing out pitchforks and lighting torches if that happened. Welcome to the Ridge, we have more money than sense.

  • I don’t know what to think of this store coming in!! I heard that a daycare is going to occupy the other half of the building

  • Living Snoqualmie