Seth Goldberg & Nicole Sesar are avid hikers and dog owners who moved to the beautiful Snoqualmie Valley in 2017 to be closer to nature.
The couple met through a friend nine years ago and previously worked in the restaurant and wine industries at local restaurants such as the North Bend Bar and Grill, the Salish and the Club at Snoqualmie Ridge.
Goldberg & Sesar love dogs and are passionate about helping dogs and their owners in the community. The couple has two dogs of their own: a 7-year-old Australian shepherd/border collie Bentley and a five-year-old Jack Russell Terrier mix, Vinny.
Seth and Nicole investigated starting another business first, but with the economy in flux and not finding the right location, they put that on hold. This past winter, Nicole was on TikTok and saw a video of a dog running on a treadmill. She wanted this type of exercise for their dogs but could not find anyone in Washington State offering this, so the couple jumped in.
According to Seth, “the thought of being our own boss, working with dogs, helping dogs and doggie families excited us, and we opened up Squeaks Mobile Dog Run on July 1st, 2022.”
Squeaks offers a unique, safe way to walk, run and exercise your dogs using dog-propelled custom-designed treadmills! The business is named after Bentley’s favorite toy, “Squeaks.”
Why try Squeaks Mobile Dog Run? Some of the benefits of the service include:
- They provide physical AND mental exercise, regardless of the weather, which is crucial for so many dogs.
- It helps prevent unwanted dog behaviors that come from boredom or anxiety
- Excellent for weight loss, mobility issues, joint issues, lethargy, and pre/post-surgery, as recommended by your veterinarian.
Squeaks is much more than a business to the couple; they have a mission to help dogs and their people. Seth talked about how important quality of life was for him and the clients they serve. He said, “if we can help provide a better quality of life for a dog through regular mental and physical exercise, we are helping to fulfill the dog. This will improve the quality of life for the dog, its owners, their family, and their community.”
The couple also hopes to give back to the community by offering the service to shelter dogs – providing them much-needed exercise and mental stimulation.
My two-year-old dog, Luke, had a trial run with Squeaks. Luke, usually a very confident dog, was initially unsure of the treadmill. Seth and Nicole took it slow and gave him positive encouragement, and after a few minutes, he was running on his own. Luke loved Seth and responded well to his encouragement!
Luke is an example of a dog that is almost impossible to tire out physically, so I’m always incorporating mental stimulation in his day. I will try the mobile dog run with Luke again and my puppy, Chobe.

How you can try Squeaks:
Squeaks Mobile Dog Run will eventually have an online reservation system. In the meantime, you can call 425-WOOF RUN (425-966–3786) to schedule your run.
A 30-minute session for one dog is $45.00, and a 30-minute session for two dogs is $80.00. There are two treadmills in the van, and dogs from the same household (or, in some instances, dogs from different owners that know each other) can run simultaneously.
Squeaks’ website is extensive and includes information about the benefits of the service and everything you need to know about using it with your dog.
[Author Andrea Logan from Lead Dog has been active in animal welfare for over 20 years and currently focuses on rehabilitating challenging foster dogs and helping dog owners with training and behavioral issues. Her passion is helping people build a better bond with their dogs. For help with your dog,visit Lead Dog’s Facebook page]