
North Bend Theatre brings Jimi Hendrix: Electric Church to the Snoqualmie Valley

Popular North Bend businesses reopen: welcome back Huxdotter Coffee drive-thru and Wildflower Bistro

To celebrate new Sno-King ice arena in Snoqualmie, Valley residents skate FREE this summer

Snoqualmie Valley residents asked to weigh in on local transportation options

Pedestrians take over downtown Streets as North Bend Block Party returns for weekend fun

Summer 2019 brings New breakfast, brunch options to Snoqualmie Valley

Snoqualmie Falls Forest Theater: The Valley’s best kept secret

Marijuana Store NOT coming to Mountain Valley Shopping Center in North Bend

Transformation Complete: Lorenzo’s Pizza and More finds its groove in Snoqualmie

First buildings of Snoqualmie affordable housing project – Panorama Apartments – officially under construction

Snoqualmie Valley’s newest winery opens: Orenda Winery hosts grand opening June 22

Former Cascade Golf Course turned North Bend park gets new name, Glamping, frisbee golf

Teamwork saves life of semi truck driver after suffers heart attack behind wheel in North Bend

Snoqualmie Casino launches SR 18 commuter shuttle to transport employees safely on dangerous highway

Getting out with Kids: Farmers Markets

Special Memorial Day Ceremony shared gratitude one handshake at a time

Developer considers buying part of North Bend Mountain Valley Shopping Center, opening marijuana store

Popular Outdoor Green Market returns to downtown Snoqualmie starting June 7th

Encompass secures $2 million from state for new Snoqualmie facility

After 4-month work stoppage, Spring Plaza construction expected to re-start soon

Local Artists, Businesses collaborate to Support Encompass “Take a Seat for Kids Project”

After losing multiple employees in SR 18 accidents, Snoqualmie Casino, Tribe celebrate Legislative progress on road widening over dangerous Tiger Mountain

Brunello’s officially becomes Franceso Ristorante Italiano, complete with new menu, new lunch prices

North Bend, Snoqualmie Tribe partner for big FREE household recycle event

Living Snoqualmie