
Laconia Market & Cafe, Snoqualmie Pass’ First Grocery Store, to Open Fall of 2021

A Letter from the Snoqualmie Firefighters Association: Pancake Breakfast Cancelled for 2021

Dry Spell Continues with Warmer Temperatures Coming

Living Snoqualmie’s Regional Reads: Chris Fagan’s The Expedition

Mt. Si Senior Center to re-open August 2nd

Single-Use Plastic Bag Ban Begins October 1st in Washington

Encompass Unveils Its Purpose-Built Child Development Center

Carnation Farms Presents a Brand New Wine and Beer Festival to Fundraise for 2022 Culinary Training Program

The Age of Aquarius Dawns at the North Bend Theatre this weekend, July 23-25, with Limited Screenings of Summer of Soul.

First Female Grizzly Bear Captured, Radio Collared, and Released Onsite in Washington

The City of Duvall Issues a Call to Visual Artists to Create a Main Street Art Wall

Highway 18 to be Closed July 9-11

Living Snoqualmie Regional Reads: The Spies Next Door Christina & Ryan Hillsberg

Business Comings: Sanctuary has its Grand Opening in North Bend

Tolt Congregational United Church of Christ Holds 4th of July Pancake Breakfast

Two Left Lanes of Westbound I-90 Near Preston Closed for Repairs

King County Wastemobile Offers Hazardous Waste Disposal in Snoqualmie, July 9-11

Record-Breaking Heatwave Comes to an End Soon

Emergency Crews from All Over the Snoqualmie Valley Respond to SEVEN Swiftwater Rescue Calls on Saturday

Stuck Ducks Rescued on a Hot Day in a Collaborative Effort by a North Bend Resident, Snoqualmie Police and Eastside Fire & Rescue

Energy-Saving Tips from Puget Sound Energy

Let the Heatmageddon Wave Begin!

Mountains to Sound Greenway Trust Receives Grant Funds to Support Savor Snoqualmie Valley Initiative

Record-setting Heat Forecast for Western Washington this Weekend: Hot Weather Tips for People & Pets

Living Snoqualmie