
Trailhead Ambassador Program Launches in the Snoqualmie Corridor Area

COVID-19 vaccine distribution update from the Washington State Department of Health

Updated: Snoqualmie Pass Reopens

I-90 over Snoqualmie Pass to Remain Closed Overnight (Updated)

Swindmaggeddon- How Much Longer?

State Route 18: Chains required, use alternate routes. Westbound I90 is now closed at MP 70 (Easton), MP 101 (Thorp) and MP 106 (Ellensburg).

Love in the Valley: “How I met my Other,” The Winner!

The Valley gets snowy and windy overnight, PSE reporting power outages in Snoqualmie, Fall City and North Bend

Highway 18 Blocked due to Semi-Fire (Story Updated)

New report furthers understanding of COVID-19 transmission in Washington State schools

City to Hold February 16th Public Hearing on Proposed Sewer Rate Increase

Snow coming! If it isn’t gobbled up..

Snoqualmie Valley Artist Ben Washam: Spreading Joy Through Art During the Pandemic

What to expect when wolves expand to your area

The Week Ahead – Post game Snow show??

Update: Both Direction I90 reopened

Love in the Valley: “How I Met my Other,” Finalists!

Snoqualmie Valley Local Advocacy Team: Pros in Partnership

Heart of the Valley Gala 2021-Wanderlust Edition

Man wanted for Assault in Fall City by King County Sheriff’s Office

The Week Ahead – Phantom Snowflakes?

Love Snoqualmie Valley Style, a Contest: “How I Met my Other”

The State of Washington Unveils COVID-19 Vaccination ‘Get Ready’ Plan for School Employees

Roadmap to Recovery update: Governor Inslee announces Two regions to move into Phase Two

Living Snoqualmie