City extends public comment period for 191-unit affordable housing development

The City of Snoqualmie recently announced it has extended the public comment period for the Notice of Application for Panorama Apartment, LLC’s 191-unit affordable housing apartment development to be located in the Eagle Pointe neighborhood of Snoqualmie Ridge.

The Public Comment period has been extended until 5PM on Wednesday, August 2, 2017. According to the notice, written comments should be submitted to the City of Snoqualmie, PO Box 987, Snoqualmie, WA 98065, Attention: Mark Hofman,

According to Snoqualmie Community Development Director Mark Hofman, Mayor Larson and Community Development staff members recently attended a privately organized meeting for neighbors of the project, providing background information and discussing reference documents, and also on July 3rd, city council chambers were full as he presented details on the proposed project.

Via email Hofman said, the public comment period was extended “to provide an extended opportunity for interested parties to review these extensive reference documents for Snoqualmie Ridge II in order to prepare detailed public comments, the courtesy extension is now noticed.”

Those documents are available on the City of Snoqualmie’s website under Development and Projects/Affordable Housing.

Affordable Housing Project Location

Panorama Apartments LLC, a subsidiary of DevCo (also developed Discovery Heights in the Issaquah Highlands), submitted the new application, proposing to build a 191-unit, multi-family development on land parcel S-20 located in the Eagle Point neighborhood.

The land parcel is located downhill from an adjoining Eagle Pointe neighborhood and near the Snoqualmie Valley Hospital. It was designated to hold affordable housing years ago. According to the city, the parcel cannot be used for other purposes due to a 25-year covenant recorded against the property’s title, which limits the parcel’s uses to affordable multi-family rental apartment housing.

Panorama Apartments Proposal

DevCo is proposing the 191 units be spread over ten multi-family buildings of various sizes and number of units ranging from one to five bedroom floor plans.  As S-20 is a sloped property, at the top where it adjoins an existing single-family home neighborhood, two-story over garage carriage houses are proposed in order to blend. Larger three and four-story buildings would be set on terraces down the property’s slope.

The complex would also have an on-site recreation and leasing center. Conceptual sketches show a pool included in the rec center. According to the application, the distribution of buildings, parking, recreation and landscaping would create a campus-like setting.

Minor Modifications Requested

To accommodate the project’s design, DevCo has applied for administrative approval of a minor modification to the 2004 Snoqualmie Ridge II Mixed Use Final Plan conditions and a Conditional Use Permit.

According to the City of Snoqualmie: “The approvals sought as part of the application are limited and address a few technical issues. The minor modification application seeks to confirm net developable acreage and, due to the site’s slope, to increase retaining wall heights above six feet. The Conditional Use Permit application seeks Hearing Examiner approval of four-story building heights. The minor modification and conditional use permit process are specifically provided for in the Snoqualmie Ridge II Development Agreement and Mixed Use Final Plan conditions.”

Per the city, the decisions on these requested approvals will be made administratively – NOT by the City Council. “As provided in the Mixed Use Final Plan Conditions, the decision on the minor modification request will be made by the Community Development Department Director with the concurrence of the chair of the Community Development Committee of the City Council.”

But, in accordance with the Snoqualmie Municipal Code, the decision on the Conditional Use Permit will be made by an outside Hearing Examiner where the public will have an opportunity to provide comments. That Hearing Examiner Public Hearing has not be scheduled yet.

Written comments should be submitted to the City of Snoqualmie, PO Box 987, Snoqualmie, Washington 98065, Attention: Mark Hofman, and must be received by the extended deadline of Wednesday, August 2, 2017 at 5PM.

Panorama Apartements architectural site plan for proposed Snoqualmie affordable housing project


Conceptual drawing of Panorama Apartment site on Snoqualmie Ridge II parcel S20 in the Eagle Pointe neighborhood.




Comments are closed.

Living Snoqualmie