City installs replica ‘Welcome to Twin Peaks’ sign on Reinig Road, creates tourist picture spot

Something new went up on Reinig Road on Wednesday, May 31, 2017. And no, Twin Peaks is not back in town filming more episodes.

The iconic Welcome to Twin Peaks sign – or at least a replica of it – was installed right near the familiar spot usually only seen during the opening credits of the show that has made the Snoqualmie Valley a tourist destination for over two decades.

The idea to put up the replica sign came from Snoqualmie Parks and Public Works Director, Dan Marcinko, but it was a team effort to make it reality.

Marcinko explained, “We received such enthusiastic feedback from the Twin Peaks event, we decided to respond by providing a remake of the landmark from the original series. We have millions of tourists visiting Snoqualmie every year, we want to capitalize on that, give them fun activities and keep them in town long enough to support our businesses.”

City of Snoqualmie Events & Economic Development Consultant Lizzy Billington enlisted the help of the Snoqualmie Arts Commission to create the sign – and Commission Chair Salley Rackets volunteered to do the artistic work.

Crews had the sign up late Wednesday afternoon. For now, the plan is to leave it in place indefinitely…. so keep your eyes out for selfie-taking and camera wielding tourists on Reinig Road in the near future.


New replica Twin Peaks sign installed on Reinig Road, 5/31/17. Photo: Don Detrick


New replica Welcome to Twin Peaks sign installed on Reinig Road. Photo: Facebook, Mary Hutter

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  • […] June 1, 2017 Patience See story here […]

  • …’so keep your eyes out for selfie-taking and camera wielding tourists on Reinig Road in the near future.’
    I’m guessing that no one involved has been on that stretch of Reinig Rd. on a sunny day. Between the posted 45 mph speed limit, the shortage of parking space (and vehicles doing U turns or pulling out on the blind curve), the kids and the alcohol fueled partiers, it’s pretty irresponsible to be attracting even more people to the area.
    Once again, Larson and crew signing off on something without giving a second thought to the consequences.

  • Living Snoqualmie