
State Fire Marshal’s Office Recognizes Wildfire Awareness Month

Police Blotter | Agency Assist; Occupied Stolen Vehicle; Vehicle Prowl in Progress

Overnight Closure of Westbound SR-18 Planned for May 25, near Maple Valley

National Public Works Week Celebrates Staff Providing City Services

Jimmy Tsutomu Mirikitani’s Art Showcased at Snoqualmie City Hall

Election Filing Deadline has Passed: Who is running for council, mayor and more?

Fire Blotter | Trail Rescue; Difficulty Breathing; Vehicle over Embankment

Stranger From Venus landing in North Bend

Police Blotter | Injury Accident; Abandoned Dogs; DUI

Snoqualmie Tribe Implements Ground-Breaking Lands Protection Tax: New tax is first of its kind in North America

Get Out in the Mountains to Sound Greenway National Heritage Area This Summer

Washington State’s Gigantic Bicycle Festival Rings in its 10th Year with Electrifying Music Line-Up

Important Reminder: Submit Your Candidacy for the November General Election by May 15-19

Sip, Suds and Si Tasting Event Seeks Volunteers for Next Weekend

Lane Closures Planned May 15-19 in Carnation, Fall City, for Fish Passage Project 

Heat Forecast for Western Washington this Weekend: Hot Weather Tips for People & Pets

Fire Blotter | Abdominal Pain; Possible Broken Hip; Seizure

Umpqua Bank in North Bend Hosts Community Business Expo on Friday, May 19th

Police Blotter | Possible Drug Deal in Progress; Weapons Offense; Stolen Vehicle Recovery

Snoqualmie City Council Confirms Mike Chambless as Interim City Administrator

Snoqualmie Tribe and Eastside Fire & Rescue Celebrate Arrival of New Emergency Aid Vehicle

Daytime Lane Closures on Westbound I-90 Between Preston and High Point During Weekdays in May

Fire Blotter | Vehicle Fire; Assistance on Trail; Possible Overdose

Updated: Oversized Super Load Truck Loses Steering, Causing a Long Back-up Thursday Afternoon

Living Snoqualmie