What do you get when you combine two days and hundreds of community members? COMMUNITY IMPACT.
In honor of Earth Day, the City invites community members to join us for our inaugural North Bend Beautification Days on April 18th and 19th.
City Staff, the North Bend Downtown Foundation, Empower Youth Network and Republic Waste are teaming up to clean up areas of downtown North Bend those same two days. Due to Covid-19 restrictions, we could not invite the entire community to join us. So, we decided to put out a ‘Clean up Call’ to North Bend residents – to beautify their own areas of the City, neighborhood or favorite park.
The concept is simple: grab some gloves and bags for recycling or trash and head out into your neighborhood or to your favorite park, river spot, or area you think needs some TLC – and help tidy up our City.
When you are done, post a photo of your full bag of collected trash or recyclables with the #NBEarthDay on Facebook or Instagram. [You can also tag the City of North Bend in your social media post]. Use that hashtag and you’ll’ be entered to win a bag of locally-made, authentically delicious North Bend Theatre popcorn. 25 winners will be randomly selected.
While participating, remember to mask up, spread out and keep your clean-up group small to #KeepNorthBendHealthy. We’ll also compile an album of your photos to document this community-wide effort.