Community invited to take survey, help coalition understand human service needs in Snoqualmie Valley

A Supportive Community for All (SCFA) is a coalition of service providers looking to strengthen community connections and coordinate human services across the Snoqualmie Valley.

SCFA is currently conducting an assessment to understand more about health and human service needs in the Snoqualmie Valley region – and it’s something residents can help with!

As part of the project, SCFA recently launched a public survey to ask community members and service providers in Snoqualmie Valley about unmet human service needs,  the current supports and services available, and ways to facilitate better access to services.

Information provided in the survey will be used to develop a Needs Assessment,  which SCFA will use to determine how Health and Human Services can be better supported over the next few years.

Snoqualmie Valley residents are encouraged to take the survey HERE. The survey is open through February 8th

Learn more about the project at: :

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