With clearing and grading completed last fall, developer contractor crews are scheduled to begin utility infrastructure work for the Cedar River Partners Apartment Project located on North Bend Way near the 436th Ave SE intersection – often referred to as the Dahlgren Property.
On-site utility work is anticipated to start the week of April 5th, along with preliminary utility location work along North Bend Way. Utility location work should last for a few days and may result in traffic being reduced to one lane for short time periods on North Bend Way between City Hall and the Snoqualmie Valley Trail and possibly along 436th Ave SE from North Bend Way to Cedar Falls Way.
It is estimated that watermain installation work for the project will begin the week of April 12th. That work will begin near City Hall – with the watermain connecting to the City’s Centennial Well which is located below the North Bend Public Works building – and then continuing east along North Bend Way to the project site.

During watermain installation drivers can expect traffic to be reduced to one lane at times, with possible intermittent lane closures in both directions. Traffic control measures will be in place when any lane closures are necessary.
Additionally, this week electronic reader boards will be placed on the shoulder of North Bend Way warning drivers of the construction and potential intermittent delays. One will be installed at the intersection of North Bend Way and Maloney Grove Ave for eastbound traffic and a second one placed near the 436th Ave SE and North Bend Way intersection for westbound traffic.
The City of North Bend recognizes that delays on North Bend Way are an inconvenience to drivers but continues to make safety the top priority. The City appreciates your patience during this work.
The Cedar River Partners Project includes 212 multi-family housing units, associated parking, a leasing office/community center; 2,500 lineal feet of street frontage improvements to North Bend Way; a new roundabout at 436th Ave SE; storm drainage facilities, sewer, water main and franchise utility extensions; a new large City Park; and a new North Bend Way pedestrian-activated Rapid Flashing Beacon crosswalk to connect the Snoqualmie Valley Trail and enhance the safety of trail users and residents.
The future City park will be connected to King County’s Tanner Landing Park, which will improve while the new Dahlgren Family Park is under construction. Included in the Tanner Landing Park improvement plans are a new Kayaking and Rafting Center with direct access to the Middle Fork Snoqualmie River, car and trailer parking, a boating drop-off and picnic area. Dahlgren Family Park features include open space, play areas, picnic shelter and restrooms.
This announcement comes just as the Friends of the Snoqualmie Valley Trail and River announces plans to file an appeal against the Department of Health’s approval of North Bend’s Water System Plan, which they say paved the way for the city to greenlight the infrastructure development of the mule pasture.
Organizers of the appeal believe it is the best way to protect the Snoqualmie River, downstream fish and wildlife and the area’s water supply.