For residents who frequently use this Snoqualmie trail – especially during the wet months – drier feet may be coming in the months ahead.
In December, the Snoqualmie City Council approved funding to replace the long, soggy wood chip trail in Snoqualmie Community Park – the one that connects the stairs/path on Curtis Drive to Ridge Street – with a concrete walkway.
According to a city staff report, when the large park was originally designed in the late 1990’s, the plans contained a design element connecting the two streets, but at that time it was not constructed.
Once Cascade View Elementary School was built and the Ridge retail area/business district was developed (about a decade ago), the soft surface, wood chip trail was added as the area had become an “important link” to the school, park and businesses.
During winter months, though, the city reported the “trail becomes saturated and muddy and as a result sees limited use and requires considerable maintenance.” The trail also serves as a maintenance access to the park’s upper soccer field.
In September the city advertised for bids for the small project and received one in late October from Welwest Construction for approximately $138,500. The concrete walkway will be funded by the city’s King County Trails Levy Fund Budget. With design expenses, the concrete walkway will cost about $155,000.
When a construction timeline is announced, an update will be added.

It seems like a project that costs $155,000 should get more than a single bid. Every company that I have ever worked for requires multiple bids before spending even a fraction of that amount. This is our tax money, and the city should be more careful with it. (Just because it comes from a county fund doesn’t make it any less our tax money.)
To think you have a right to speak out in Snoqualmie about politcs without being on the right side you clearly don’t have an understanding of how corrupt the city is
The City fully complied with bidding requirements for this project. State Law requires that we advertise for bids, as we do and did. It does not require that we force multiple companies to provide multiple bids. It is not uncommon on small projects to receive only one or two bids.