
COVID-19 activity declining in Washington state with the help of face coverings and distancing

Rattlesnake Lake Recreation Area closed and other valley smoke updates

PLEASE Don’t Pet the Elk

Air Quality Alert issued – smoke from Oregon fires moving north through the weekend

Mt. Si Senior Center introduces: The Valley’s Great Plates

A Wild Night in the Snoqualmie Valley

The week ahead – Santa Ana winds in Snoqualmie Valley?

Northwest Railway Museum Train Shed Reopens September 11th

Fire Blotter | floating body turns out to be a snorkeler; false alarms; car vs. pedestrian

Wildfire smoke on its way, not expected to be a major event

Travel Alert: Rock Blasting Resumes on I-90 East of Snoqualmie Pass

Get rid of all your old junk: FREE recycle event offered in Snoqualmie, September 12th

New Construction Process allows 203 South of Duvall to Open Sooner

The Valley Vagabond-Breakfast at the Salish Lodge & Spa

Snoqualmie Weather: The week ahead – areas of light rain for back to school Monday, but sunny weather makes a comeback with potential heatwave mid-September

Hero of the Week: Kathy Hyland, embodying compassion, empathy, and kindness

New DOH reports: Covid-19 cases plateauing in King County, health official says not enough to safely reopen schools

Pop-up Blood Drive returns to Snoqualmie City Hall August 31st, donors needed

The Valley Vagabond: a Three-State National Park RV Adventure to replace the trip Covid squashed

Snoqualmie Valley Weather: Norm in Good Form

I Killed a Bear

Upcoming SR 202 weekend closures near Fall City, Sammamish could create long delays

King County Public Health links Snoqualmie, North Bend Covid-19 outbreak to multiple gatherings and activities

Toby’s Path of Hope

Living Snoqualmie