On February 22, 2018 the City of Duvall’s year-long residential development moratorium will be over. Duvall has been in moratorium since February of 2017, when the city council approved a 60-day emergency measure in order to allow staff, the community and council necessary time before additional development vesting occurred.
The action came at a critical moment as staff was working with the community, planning commission and council to update key policies having significant long-term impacts for the City.
“The moratorium was well-timed and served its purpose: Pausing new development applications, allowing staff the time necessary to work with the community, planning commission and council time to complete key policies that reflect our community’s vision,” said Mayor Amy Ockerlander.
The moratorium was twice extended by council up to the maximum allowed time of one-year. While by law developments already under construction, project permits submitted before the moratorium and those already vested by state continued to be processed; submittals of new residential development applications were halted.
The policy updates ensured new residential development applications reflect the updated priorities of the community as identified in the 2015 Comprehensive Plan.
Accomplishments during the moratorium include the certification of the Transportation and Comprehensive Plan Updates by the Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC), updates to Tree Protection and Sensitive Area ordinances, and the implementation of a new R-20 zoning policy & code update.
“It’s been whirlwind,” remarks Duvall Planning Director Lara Thomas; “but this was a necessary step to ensure our community’s desires were reflected.”
Since Duvall’s moratorium was enacted other western Washington cities like Sammamish, Issaquah, and most recently Bainbridge Island have implemented or extended their own versions to deal with similar challenges.