Editorial | Thank You! This ‘Best of Western Washington’ Community is What Makes it All Work

I got quite a surprise early Saturday morning when friends began posting on my Facebook wall that Living Snoqualmie had won King 5’s Best of Western Washington ‘Best Neighborhood Blog.’  As I had forgotten to checkbestwesternwinner the results, and with just a few days before voting closed I was told we were in third place, it came as a shock.

I wanted to take a moment to say ‘Thank You’ because it is my belief this website works because of the community it represents.  It couldn’t work without those who read and invest in making a community connection spot. Someone asked last month how we find out things quickly – and the answer is the community.

This website started as a challenge from my husband in 2010 – to take what he considered my [somewhat] useless, Mrs. Kravitz-type knowledge about the city where we lived and turn it into something.  Five years later – and with A LOT  of help from the community – it’s still around.

So thank you – to those who read, those who text in tips or email in story ideas, my family who tolerates my inattention when big stuff happens in the Valley, and sponsors/advertisers who trust me with their marketing dollars.

Thank you. I love where I live. I love the history. I love how community members take care of each other.  I love how passionate you are about keeping the Snoqualmie Valley grounded to its roots while it grows.

Living Snoqualmie strives to represent the community, while hopefully enriching it.  So we thank you for reading and hanging around on this 5-year journey – and hope for many more great years to come.





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  • Congratulations, Dana. A well deserved acknowledgment of your excellent and informative writing skills as well as your love of our beautiful Valley. THANK YOU so much.

  • I heartily agree with Joan! I read LivingSnoqualmie like I read the Times every morning and it is wonderful to have a source of local news. accolades to you Dana, you deserve it!

  • Living Snoqualmie