
THANK YOU to the school district and teachers, the Village that Helped get my kids to the land of ‘adulting’

Tanner Jeans Bike Rodeo Back for 11th Year, Popular Event Expanding to North Bend

Op-ed | Hey, I’m Walking Here, Marked Crosswalks Don’t Always Mean Cars Stop

Op-ed | Citizens Split on Fireworks Ban, Council Vote Will Leave Many in Disagreement

Op-ed | School Bond Vote Deserves Full Truth, More Context

Editorial | Finger off Pause Button: Time to Stop Blaming, Move Forward and Invest in the Schools Community Needs, Deserves

Editorial | Grinchy Battle with the Holiday Lights Uncovers the Truth of our Tree

Op-Ed: District Lacking Transparency for Critical Middle School Math Placements, Can Cost Kids Future Options

Oped: Change Needed to [Finally] Pass Snoqualmie Valley School Bond

Op-ed: May Madness Boys and Men of the World, the Shirt Does Matter

Letter | 2014 Rotary Club Golf Tournament to Benefit Snoqualmie Valley Food Bank, Rotary First Harvest

Op-ed: District, Board so Focused on Passing School Bond, Willing to Ignore Needs of Half of Students

Letter: Protect Our Children’s Learning

Op-ed: Big Plans and High Hopes for Snoqualmie Valley Schools

Letter: November 30th, Small Business Saturday!

Letter: Classified Union, School District Contract Negotiation Update

Letter: Eight Years Later, District No Better off With Incumbent Board Member

Op-ed: Snoqualmie Valley School Board Election, Political Game Canceled, Bring on the Issues

Op-ed: Playing Politics for A School Board Seat; Past Board Member Inserts Self into the Game

When it Comes to School Bond Planning, Maybe Leaders Should Look to Latest Election Results for Guidance?

Op-Ed: When, oh When, Will a School Bond Make it on the Ballot?

Op-Ed: Tomorrow’s Schools Are Today’s Decisions

Living Snoqualmie Facebook Page Highlights: A Simple, Strong Anti-Bullying Lesson and Quotes of the Day to Elicit Smiles

Sunday Morning Inspiration: The Lesson I Learned from Dad Once I Was a Mom

Living Snoqualmie