Fall City

The Week Ahead – Enjoy some November sunshine while it lasts!

The Most Dangerous Animals in Washington

Snoqualmie Casino gives its team a real scare

Elementary Families: Updated Hybrid AM/PM Model for In-Person Instruction – See 2 New Surveys to Confirm your Needs

Growing Outdoor Company Stays Local, Builds new Headquarters on North Bend Way

Back the Blue Snoqualmie Valley

Letter | Dr. Kim Schrier: Promise Keeper

Snoqualmie Valley School District Board Meeting Recap: Hurry Up and Wait

Black and Muslim in the Snoqualmie Valley: Striving to belong in a historically white small town (part two)

The Week Ahead – Looking mostly dry…until Halloween of course :(

Letter | Gael Tarleton will be an Excellent Secretary of State

Santa Rides the Yuletide Express at the Northwest Railway Museum

Accessibilty of Trails and Outdoor Recreation in the Snoqualmie Valley (part one)

Valley Covid cases on the upswing concern that climb in overall cases means ‘fall surge’ is starting. Experts say we must act now to reverse trends

Overturned Semi at SR-18 Westbound Creates short back-up on I-90 Monday Afternoon

(Story Updated) The Week Ahead – October Snow on the Way?

North Bend Film Festival Closes: Locals Review Festival’s Audience Winner

Mother Nature Tries, and Fails, to Wrestle New 12th Man Flag Away from its Hillside Home

SVSD Reopening Plans On Hold Due to Increasing COVID-19 Cases

Letter | Support Ingrid Anderson

Vehicle Pursuit Ends in Another Traffic Snarl on Wednesday

Accident on I90: Driver under arrest for vehicular assault

North Bend Theatre Reopens After Seven Months

Holiday greenery sale supporting Mt. Si Senior Center has begun

Living Snoqualmie