Fall City

Popular North Bend area trails, state parks reopen May 5th; could close again if get too crowded

Latest King County Data: 83 COVID-19 cases in the Snoqualmie Valley, 4 deaths

Fire Blotter | rollover accident on Snoqualmie Parkway; trash can fire at Sandy Cove Park; stop burning garbage in fire pit

4 More Weeks: Inslee extends Stay Home Order; outlines 4-phase economic reopening plan

Buckshot Honey barbecue restaurant officially opens in Snoqualmie, July 29th

Reminder: Rattlesnake Lake, Trail, Ledge still CLOSED due to social distancing concerns

How the 1918 Flu Pandemic changed history, improved women’s rights and saved my life

Bartell’s becomes exclusive Girl Scout Cookie headquarters, helps organization finish important annual fundraiser

Snoqualmie Valley School District announces new grading practices during COVID-19 closure

Inslee to extend stay home order; economic reopening plan unveiled May 1st; COVID-19 risk assessment dashboard rolled out

Snoqualmie enacts tougher domestic violence legislation

Snoqualmie Mill Site Development moves into Environmental Impact public comment period

#SuperHeroDay: Snoqualmie Fire Firefighters gets special, anonymous gift

Easing coronavirus restrictions: some state parks, public lands, golf to reopen May 5th

Governor’s plan to restart ‘low risk’ construction means many North Bend, Snoqualmie development projects can resume

One of the Snoqualmie Valley’s most visible wild animal residents: the prolific Lagomorph

Snoqualmie Valley School board unanimously approves boundary change for Cascade View, Timber Ridge Elementary

North Bend, Snoqualmie anticipate significant revenue shortfalls due to COVID-19 crisis

Inslee: ‘likely’ spread of COVID-19 declining in Washington, will not lift many Stay Home order restrictions by May 4th

Winning the real estate sale battle amidst COVID-19 blows

Guide to 2020 Snoqualmie Valley Farm Stands

Snoqualmie Valley History: nearly 90 years ago local schools, some businesses closed, children quarantined

‘Stay Home’ Artwork: enjoying the beauty of Snoqualmie sidewalk chalk

Fire Blotter | helmet-less hoverboard accident; Tokul roundabout motorcycle accident; electrical shock at the fire station

Living Snoqualmie