Father’s Day in the Valley: “The Fountain of all Wisdom,” the Winners!

My Father has been gone for 15 years now, but I lost him at about the same time I gained a bonus dad! He lives in Gig Harbor, and we’ll be spending tomorrow celebrating him.

I wish everyone who participated could win a prize, but our three winners have been chosen and will enjoy prizes from DirtFish, The Well & Table restaurant and the North Bend Theatre.

*Drum roll please* The winner is #4 Bob McCoy!

Says Bob,

“Thank you, Living Snoqualmie and Dirt Fish Rally School, for the opportunity to win two thrill rides by writing about my father, whom I dearly miss. If he were still alive, he would probably caution me regarding the prize, as he did when I told him I was going into Naval Aviation, “I hope you know what you’re doing.”

As noted in my essay, he was concerned with safety but without an attendant lecture. So my wife “Parnelli Joan” will probably take the second ride. Sunday, Father’s Day, I’ll talk with my son who lives in New York, and then we’ll have early supper with my step-daughter and her family. The grandkids are fun to be around, so that it will be a great day. Reading all the essays, it is clear how important fathers are and their long-term influence long after leaving this mortal coil. Both my parents’ fathers died when my parents were eight years old, so Dad used to say that he “did his best without an example to follow.”

 I am fortunate he set an example for me! Happy Father’s Day.”

Bob’s Dad Hugh McCoy and his younger brother Phil approximately 1922

Bob won two Thrill Rides at DirtFish Rally School. Located at 7001 396th Dr. SE in Snoqualmie, their Thrill Rides are designed to show just how quick a rally car can go on gravel, mud, and anything else a road might throw at you. Bob and Joan will be secured in place with a racing harness, helmet and roll cage, their only task is to sit back and enjoy the ride over challenging, action packed roads that include hairpin, pendulum, and handbrake turns, and plenty of high speed sideways action.

The First Runner up is #2 Jeff Lewis!

Jeff remarked,

Father’s day 2021, like many for a career grocery guy, will be spent right where many would expect to find me: working at the “Q”.

I’m really looking forward to using my prize as I love to patronize and support as many of our community businesses as I can! This being a restaurant owned by locals will make it that much more special!

Jeff and his Dad

Jeff wins  a 100 dollar gift certificate for The Well & Table, a restaurant opening soon owned by North Bend locals Jaynie Stuth-Wetherbee and Jason Stellman. Located at 317 NW Gilman Blvd. Ste. 43 in Issaquah’s Gilman Village, the Well & Table is a farm-to-table restaurant and bar with a seasonal menu focusing on fresh, locally sourced ingredients, craft cocktails, and a variety of Washington wines and ales.

And last but certainly not least our third winner is #5 Susan Burke. Who had this to say,

“Many thanks to Living Snoqualmie for having this contest, and thanks as well to all of the great local businesses that donated prizes.

I’m a pretty open book but actually writing about the relationship with my dad was more difficult than I thought, but also cathartic. I’m super happy to have won a gift certificate from the North Bend Theatre and look forward to enjoying a movie date night there.”

Susan and her Dad

Susan gets to enjoy a $50 gift card from the North Bend Theatre. Located at 125 Bendigo Blvd N. in North Bend, the Burrows family are the owners of this beautiful historic landmark. Their mission is to care for and thoughtfully improve the building and offer various entertaining events. Hence, future generations continue to create fond memories and love their local hometown movie theatre. The gift card can be used for movies, treats or can be applied to a private rental.

Happy Father’s Day to everyone who entered and to all the Father’s celebrating in the Valley tomorrow!

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Living Snoqualmie