King County Elections week is over, which means we now know who has decided to run for the 27 positions open in the Snoqualmie Valley, including North Bend city council, Snoqualmie city council and mayor, school board and other special district seats.
No one chose to challenge council incumbents Ribail or Lisk of Carnation, Duvall incumbent Mayor Ockerlander or Duvall council incumbents Shaffer, McHenry, Hogg or Knaplund.
In North Bend, council members Gothelf and Loudenback will run unopposed, as well as Mark Joselyn, who was the only person who filed to fill Chris Garcia’s position 6.
Snoqualmie’s Ethan Benson will run unopposed for Bob Jeans council position 1, as will Jo Johnson for Peggy Shepard’s position 7.

Here’s who has filed. Listed are races that have 2 candidate or more:
City of Duvall, Council Position No. 1: William Chappell, John Isaacson
City of Snoqualmie, Mayor: Katherine Ross, Peggy Shepard
City of Snoqualmie, Council Position No. 3: Bryan Holloway, Anna Sotelo
City of Snoqualmie, Council Position No. 5: Matt Laase, Tanya Lavoy
Si View Metropolitan Park District, Commissioner Position No. 4: Bud Raisio, Chris Fagan
King County Fire Protection District No. 27, Commissioner Position No. 3 (Fall City): Daniel E. Meredith, Robert Angrisano
The summer primary will happen on August 3rd. November 2nd will be the general election.
To see a full list of candidates for all seats visit King County Elections.