On December 9, 2021, the City of Snoqualmie issued the Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) for the proposed Snoqualmie Mill Planned Commercial/Industrial Plan.
The 261-acre site is located within Snoqualmie city limits and is owned by Snoqualmie Mill Ventures LLC. It does not include the adjacent Mill Pond/Borst Lake property.

The FEIS may be reviewed on the City’s website or at Snoqualmie City Hall, located at 38624 SE River Street in Snoqualmie.
Issuance of the FEIS does not by itself authorize any physical construction on the site. The FEIS will accompany Snoqualmie Mill Ventures’ proposed Planned Commercial/Industrial (PCI) Plan application, which the Snoqualmie City Council will ultimately consider.
If the PCI Plan is approved, Snoqualmie Mill Ventures would then need to apply to physically develop the property. If approved, redevelopment is anticipated to take place over a period of approximately 10 to 15 years.
Questions about the FEIS or the next steps in the PCI Plan process can be sent to Jason Rogers, Interim Community Development Director, City of Snoqualmie, PO Box 987, Snoqualmie, WA 98065, or emailed to jrogers@snoqualmiewa.gov.
[Information provided by the City of Snoqualmie]
In perspective, this is an area, very roughly on a flat surface, of 10 x 10 city blocks. There are 640 acres in a sq. mile and this represents 4 tenths of that.
I look forward to seeing this development succeed. Hope Dirt Fish is somehow incorporated into the long term plans so the company doesn’t need to relocate!
Unfortunately I don’t think a dirt track is going to be incorporated around a winery center 😀
From what I read on the Wetlands, Wildlife, and Fisheries Assesment for the land they plan in building- the vegetation there is still young but in years to come as the vegetation matures will be able to provide homes for some animals that have just been taken off the endangered species list. And what a shame for a place like Snoqualmie to lose the opportunity to provide homes for the animals we share land with. Also part of the land provides a resting spot for roaming elk. We’d be displacing them and really who knows what type of impact that would have on our communities when animals cannot find a proper place to live and roam.
I’ve been a resident in Snoqualmie Ridge for the last 20 years and just the recent development here in the last 10 years has displaced animals so much that we have had a lot bear and bobcat sitings. The Snoqualmie Ridge Facebook has evidence of mobile video footage of neighbors encountering these animals in broad daylight in their own yards and it’s happening more frequently than ever before. There are children, pets, and property of our local community that we should definitely consider with this development. Safety is my main concern. I want to continue feeling safe in my community and proud of the land we live on.
Please reconsider.
From my house in Snoqualmie I can see the $$ signs in the eyes of the elected people that will make this decision. I just hope they don’t create an eyesore in the middle of our beautiful valley
The valley I grew up in is long gone. Sold off acre by acre to the greasy palm of Mayor Larson. Come one, come all to the entire destruction of the valley because giving up more land for progress, for wealth is what is needed. Not concern for the land or trees that the animals once called home. Let’s drive more of them out to make room for more granola munching REI wearing wannabe’s who weekend trample thru these virgin woods leaving deep scars in the earth with their expensive mountain bike tires and their used toilet paper scattered like a plague. Soon the beautiful valley I lived in and grew in will be gone forever and greed once more will be the welcoming mat for this unwelcome site. You are the destroyers of this earth. Peace.
So revitalizing a previous heavy industrial site is a blight? Give me a break and use some common sense here. The valley’s virgin natural resources were raped and pillaged by the pioneers long ago(Power plant at the falls for example or loggers who didn’t leave more than a handful of ancient trees or fishermen/trapper/hunter who didn’t consider conservation when filling their stores full of dead animals). The folks living in the unnecessary equestrian compounds covering every acre not within city limits is who should be forced to relocate as the environmental damage and disturbance they create is severe compared to a development within city limits on a old decaying mill site. If our citizens all lived within city boundaries the natural beauty you speak of would be in much better condition by removing the structures, roads, and pasture lands they crave. I’m not advocating this but removing farms along the snoqualmie river might be the biggest gain to river restoration and flood management there is. Besides who cares how long anyone has lived here or were they bought there cloths, length of residency or wearing carhartt doesn’t give you any freedoms or power than someone who lived here for 1 year. Look forward to the reactions from the NIMBY group on the next big development announcement which is less than a year away.
While I would like to believe we would return this land to nature that will not happen. However, I resent developers demanding that the city violate our policies, rules and laws so they can build this project more profit in their pockets. And then they will cry poverty and demand the taxpayers build them a new bridge too. Look at what bending rules has created on Center Blvd. Developers crying poverty from their yachts while the standards set during development are ignored. Restaurant “patios” used to store kitchen equipment. Storefront windows, which were supposed to be restricted in the mount of glass blocked, are now fully covered with advertisements and false walls. Wide pedestrian sidewalks down to 36 inches! Looks more like downtown Detroit than the envisioned small town of Snoqualmie. Council has to learn how to say NO to changes out of character with our established vision. These developers may go away… But a developer is out there that CAN and WILL develop the Mill site while adhering to our established policies and laws. We can wait for the RIGHT developer.