February 24, 2023
EMTs responded to a Snoqualmie residence to assist an individual who felt weak and dizzy when standing, possibly from being on a treadmill for too long. The person was transported to the hospital.
February 25, 2023
Crews responded to the Snoqualmie Safeway store for the report of an individual stuck in a restroom after a deadbolt broke.
February 25, 2023
EMTs responded to Tolt Reservoir Road to assist a biker who fell and suffered multiple injuries, including a possible broken pelvis. The individual was transported to the hospital.

February 26, 2023
Crews responded to a Snoqualmie residence to evaluate a toddler who fell off a couch. No apparent injuries were observed. No hospital transportation was required.
February 26, 2023
Crews responded to the Salish Lodge to assist an individual who fell down four concrete stairs, hit their head and was bleeding. The individual was taken to a nearby hospital.
February 26, 2023
EMTs responded to the Snoqualmie Valley Hospital to transport an individual to a larger hospital. The person suffered a spinal cord injury while snowboarding.
February 27, 2023
Crews responded to a Snoqualmie business to assist an individual with an elevated heart rate who felt faint. The person was transported to the hospital.
February 28, 2023
Crews responded to westbound I-90 east of North Bend for a collision involving a passenger vehicle and a pickup with a trailer. Two patients were transported to the hospital.
February 28, 2023
Crews responded to downtown Snoqualmie for an accident involving a vehicle and a bicyclist. The biker suffered a knee injury and was transported to the hospital.
[Information provided by the City of Snoqualmie]