November 7th
At 10:45AM Snoqualmie Firefighters responded to a fire alarm at a single-family residence on Snoqualmie Ridge. Crews discovered it was an accidental activation of the smoke alarm. Homeowner reset the alarm.
November 8th
Around 10:30PM Snoqualmie Firefighters were dispatched to a report of a smoke detector activation in Snoqualmie Ridge residence. Dispatch advised no fire, but alarms were sounding upstairs. Crews arrived to no alarm, and advised homeowners to replace detectors as age of home indicates needed replacement.
November 11th
Around 1PM Snoqualmie Firefighters were called to a 2-car, t-bone accident partially blocking an intersection on SE Jacobia Street and Snoqualmie Parkway. All patients were out of the cars. Both drivers refused care and transport. Both advised to seek evaluation at either an ER or urgent care.
November 14th
At 4:10PM Snoqualmie Firefighters responded to a fire alarm at a Ridge business called in by the alarm company. On arrival, nothing was shown from the exterior. Firefighters investigated and found it to be a false alarm.
November 18th
Around 3:50PM Snoqualmie Firefighters were dispatched to a report of power wires arcing and sparking due to a tree branch falling on them. PSE was notified and property owner stayed on site to await them.
At 6:55PM Snoqualmie Fire fighters were called to a 2-car accident. One car driven into a parked, unoccupied vehicle. Driver and passenger of the car were out of the vehicle prior to aid arriving. Bystanders describe the car as speeding up as it approached the parked car. The parked car was spun and pushed across the street into another car. On arrival one patient was found lying on the ground in obvious distress – this patient was the passenger in the car. The driver was found mingling with other bystanders on scene. Both patients were evaluated, and the passenger was transported to Swedish Hospital for further follow up. The driver was taken into police custody.
Around 11:30PM Snoqualmie Firefighters responded to a Police request for a 41-year-old male requiring transport to a warming facility.
November 19th
At 8:45PM Snoqualmie Firefighters were called to a 17-year-old male experiencing an anxiety event. Patient was evaluated and taken home to his parents.
[In addition to the above calls, Snoqualmie EMTs responded to 15 medical aid incidents bringing the total number of calls to date of 1091 for 2019]