UPDATE | September 27, 2016, 11AM
According to drivers, the same roadwork to repair potholes on the Raging River overpass near Preston has traffic backed up on westbound I-90 between SR 18 near Snoqualmie to mileposts 22 at Preston
The Washington State Department of Transportation confirmed at 12:50PM, September 26, 2016, that an emergency paving job was responsible for the traffic backup on westbound I-90 just west of SR 18.
According to drivers, it appeared WSDOT was re-paving/fixing the numerous potholes on the Raging River overpass on the approach to Preston – and two lanes were closed in the area.
With only one lane open through the paving area, numerous drivers reported traffic at a standstill as early at 10AM – until they got past Preston, at approximately milepost 22.
WSDOT said the roadwork should finish up hopefully around 2pm.