Looking for something fun to do with the kids after Friday’s Snoqualmie Valley School District Early Release day?
Umpqua Bank in North Bend is sponsoring a free community event/Kids Day, September 12, 2014, from 10AM – 3PM, right in the bank’s parking lot and complete with local police and fire departments and lots of ice cream – Ice Cream, Fire Trucks and Fun!
Families have a chance to visit with local fire and police officers, check out those big red fire trucks and cool SUV police vehicles – and satisfy a sweet tooth on a sunny, warm Friday afternoon. Temperatures are expected to be around 80 degrees.
Police explorers will also be on hand creating personalized kid ID cards – ready right on the spot for Snoqualmie Valley families.
Umpqua Bank (formerly Sterling Savings) is located at 146 W 2nd Street in downtown North Bend – right next to the old fire station.
Just look for a fire truck in the parking lot and you’re in the right spot.