According to a press memo from the Washington State Patrol, at approximately 6:21 on Friday, March 24th, a 27-year-old female was traveling eastbound on 202, and a 17-year-old male was traveling westbound near milepost 22.
Vehicle one, a 2007 blue Ford Edge, crossed left over the centerline and struck vehicle two, a green 1997 Dodge Dakota, head-on.
The Dodge was pushed right into the guardrail on the westbound should going west. The Ford was rotated counterclockwise and came to rest facing west in the eastbound lane, partially pushed up against the shoulder guardrail.

State Route 202 was blocked for approximately three hours. Both drivers, both from Fall City, were injured and sent to Harborview Medical Center. The 27-year-old female faces potential charges of vehicular assault and DUI pending an investigation.
Please don’t drink and drive 😢
My 17 year old nephew is in surgery right now having both his broken legs put back together with rods and pins amongst other multiple injuries. He has a long road of recovery. But he alive. The young lady that was drinking and driving is in serious condition fighting for her life. Prayers to my nephew and to this young lady and her family.
DONT DRINK AND DRIVE !!!! It is not worth it.
Prayers to your nephew. I was a witness and there at the scene. I sat with him and held his head still and talked to him until help arrived. He was so brave even in the pain he was in. I’m glad to know he will be okay and that I could help. Having been in a very similar situation a few years ago, I know how helpful, comforting and kind the witnesses and others at the scene were to me. ♥️♥️♥️ He is a very nice and amazing young man.
You are an Angel. Thank you for staying with him. I can’t imagine how scared he was. As a mom of a 17 year old boy myself – I hope someone would do the same for my son.
OMG Thank you so much 💗 💓 💖
Shelly, I’m the mom of the sweet young man you helped comfort in such a horrible situation. I can’t Thank you enough for your kindness. There are good people in this world, and you and the other angels who helped him are proof. I hope we can connect. Truly grateful Nikki🙏 ❤️
Thank you for being there for my Nephew.
I am that incredibly amazing sweet wonderful young man’s auntie and if I was there I would give you a hug and thank you so much your savior. God bless you!!? Thank you for all your help
Hi Nikki
I am so sorry this happened. He is one tuff kid. Sending hugs to you and Martyn.
That young lady was NOT drinking so maybe don’t spread false information
Hi John, are you able to shed some light on this? The impairment comment came directly from the WSP & first responders did find evidence in her vehicle, but the young man’s family & friends would like to share true facts, not conjecture. If you have real information on the young woman’s situation, we’d love to make sure she is ok, as his family is also concerned about her condition & wishes her no ill will.
Any update on DUI charges/investigation? The woman involved in the crash also has a go fund me going on with over 20k raised. No mention of impairment on the description. Having a hard time accepting the community pouring financial support towards that campaign, rather than Zack’s. Obviously hoping she survives and can begin recovering, but it’s hard when the real story isn’t being told (so it seems).
I know the young woman (and her family) who was involved in the accident on Friday, 3/24/23. She is at Harborview on life support with serious injuries and undergoing many surgeries. I’ve read the comments about suspected DUI and an ongoing investigation by WSP. I don’t believe she was DUI but I don’t know for certain nor does anyone else who has commented on the matter. What I do know is that this is a horrible tragedy for the young woman and Zack and their respective families. Both young people have suffered horrific injuries and with time it’s my hope that they heal completely. It’s nice to hear Linda’s comment that the young man’s family bears no ill will toward the young woman. As for the comment by Snoqualmie Valley Neighbor who is “having a hard time accepting the community pouring financial support towards that campaign…..” I have a hard time with that. Just as you care for Zack and his family, the same is true for the young woman and her family. It seems your opinion is based on the presumption that she was DUI. Again, at this time, that is simply an allegation and is under investigation. Time will tell whether or not that investigation bears fruit. In the meantime, I would hope that all of us can focus our energy towards helping out these young people and their families.
Dear John Joe
I would be relieved to hear that she was not DUI.
Secondly Law Inforcement doesn’t report that its a DUI on a hunch, they would have some sort of evidence to come this conclusion. It is heartbreaking to have a family member in this condition. As well I am sure her family is devastated.
I will say it again DONT DRINK AND DRIVE. Take a cab, call a friend, call an Uber.
I am that incredible young man’s grandma, I too want to thank you and any others that helped during this horrible time. He truly is the most incredible, kind always smiling young man. Thank you once again. God bless you all for being there to assist in his need.
I am that incredibly amazing sweet wonderful young man’s auntie and if I was there I would give you a hug and thank you so much your savior. God bless you!!?
I want to thank everyone that helped my nephew. You are amazing and truly appreciated. You helped one the kindest, and most selfless people I know. It’s breaks my heart knowing what he is going through right now. Thank you all for your help and support.
I was there and it was terrifying as a witness. I’m so glad he is going to be ok!! We had our doubts as he was removed from the burning car. This accident will be forever in my heart.