It was a common question during the February school bond campaign…. “What will the high school look like when it’s re-built?”
There was no perfect answer because in order to move forward and fund the detailed design process, the bond had to first pass before community input regarding the new high school design could be gathered.
A High School Visioning Committee made a great start, wrapping education priorities around a future building concept to support their vision.
But it was always clear, the community would have ample opportunity to weigh in on the $188 million re-build of Mount Si High School – and the district says that input will help design work in the coming months.
So last week, the Snoqualmie Valley School District started the first step of the community input process with a ThoughtExchange online feedback forum, which closes on April 3rd.
Then on Thursday, April 2nd, the district will hold a community meeting to share details about the anticipated design process/schedule and solicit input about key priorities for the High School Design Team to consider. That meeting happens at 6PM in the Mount Si High School Library.
The High School Design Team was assembled earlier this month and will consist of SVSD staff members, community members and architects.
The first phase of Mount Si Re-build construction project is estimated to be complete in fall of 2019 and will bring newly constructed classroom space to the current Mount Si site, allowing freshman to return to the main campus and the current freshman campus to be reinstated as a 3rd middle school.
Once new classroom space is completed on the main campus, other portions of the current MSHS building (except for the athletic complex) will be torn down and re-built, with final completion estimated in 2022.
So here’s your chance Snoqualmie Valley – let the district know what you want in our new high school. Participate in ThoughExchange feedback forum or attend this week’s community meeting.
![One MSHS preliminary design concept created from work done by the HS Visioning Committee earlier this year.](