Hello world – or at least Snoqualmie!

So my husband has often teased that I am a fountain of useless knowledge when it comes to the city we live in… and I have to admit that, yes, I have soaked in quite a bit of knowledge (some useless and some useful) about the small town of Snoqualmie over the past 9 years.  Having 4 kids in local schools and sports has kept me knee deep in “the loop.”  There were about 1,600 people living in Snoqualmie when we moved in November 2001.  Now there are about 10,000 people calling Snoqualmie home.  This large population jump can be attributed to the master planned community of Snoqualmie Ridge – where I live.

I have seen many changes over the years – new streets, new schools, new fire stations, new libraries, a new mayor and most recently a new city hall and new sidewalks downtown.   There was no retail (meaning no Starbucks) on Snoqualmie Ridge when we first moved – scary thought for many, I know!   I have seen trees come down, more new houses go in.  I have had friends move in and  move out.  I have watched residents argue over too much growth, community centers, flying garbage in the wind.  I guess what I am saying is that I spent time following all the growing pains of our area.  I found/find it fascinating….

I love where I live.  I love it so much I complain about the traffic in Issaquah now.  Driving to Bellevue is too far for me.  I am a home-body.   I guess I am spoiled by this area.  It has everything I need.  I drive my girls down the hill to middle and high school each morning and think that I am lucky.  The views are amazing… especially when I get to see the sun rising behind Mount Si.

I think what I hope to accomplish with this blog is helping people navigate this city… from paying a water bill online, emailing the mayor a question, registering your kids for soccer, to what valley area little league boundary you live in.  Did you know not all of Snoqualmie Ridge feeds into Falls little league?   Just found that one out.  Our new Ridge neighborhood actually feeds into Snoqualmie Vallley little league….  Whoops!  Guess we missed that boundary line drawn through the Ridge 50 years ago.  My neighborhood also goes to North Bend Elementary school now, too…. but that’s a subject for a whole different blog entry.

Basically, you ask it and I might know it.  As my husband says…. a fountain of useless knowledge… unless, of course, you are new to the area then I could be considered useful. But if I don’t know the answer,  I can probably ask someone who does.

So if it’s May – I will remind you that it’s soccer registration and Cinco de Mayo Run time.  If it’s Feb/March – it’s time to register for kindergarten and little league.  If it’s August – well, time for Railroad Days along with the 5k and 10k run.  I hope to have all the links posted very soon.  The goal is – if it’s that time of year I will remind you and you can hit the link on the right and you’re there – no googling necessary.

There are many great people, places and events in this little city…. many websites to link, many restaurant happy hours well worth the trip.  Like the Woodman Lodge happy hour on Wednesdays which I still want to try – half off all bottles of wine under $50 and $5 appetizers – good food and wine on a budget!  Have I mentioned I love a good deal?

Happy Thursday everyone!  If you have a pertinent link for me send it over….


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  • Hello,

    My boyfriend and I are looking at houses in Snoqualmie (older homes, not on the Ridge), and we’ve been trying to do our due diligence with regards to the community/neighborhoods. I was very happy to find this blog and have enjoyed reading through all of your posts. Snoqualmie seems like a great little town, similar to the one I grew up in, with a very real community spirit and support network. (As a bonus, it has incredibly beautiful mountain views, instead of the cornfields that surrounded my hometown!)

    At this point, we’re both very happy with our impressions of the town. But we’re also curious about future plans and developments. This is where I would love to hear input from someone who lives there and is very involved. What do you think Snoqualmie will look like in ten or twenty years? Growth is wonderful, but – well, the small town aspect is very appealing to us. Also, do you have any info about businesses/retail that may be coming to the town? Do you know if the city has plans for the former trailer park?

    I’ve already looked over the city plans a bit, so am actually mostly interested in hearsay and personal opinions.

    Many thanks!
    (and thanks for writing this blog),
    Angie & Jim

  • Living Snoqualmie