Help A Snoqualmie Middle School Student Light Up Tanner Jeans Park For The Holidays!

Snoqualmie Middle School student, Lindsey Brown, has a big holiday wish.  One she is hoping to make come true herself.

Lindsey wants to raise enough money to light up her neighborhood park for the 2011 holiday season.  Lindsey said what inspired her was the desire to keep her favorite park full of life during the months when it gets the least use.  She said during spring, summer and fall something is always happening at Tanner Jeans Park/Field; from football, baseball and soccer games/practices to kids using the new play equipment.  According to Lindsey,  “In the winter time the park looks really lonely and not exciting.  So, I thought lighting up the park for the holiday season would be a fun and exciting way to honor Tanner Jeans and make the City of Snoqulamie even brighter.”

Lindsey’s goal is to raise $500 through community donations.  Together with matching funds from the Tanner Jeans Memorial Foundation, Lindsey will purchase long-lasting LED lights and some solar-powered lights, along with extension cords and needed equipment to hang the lights.  The City of Snoqualmie Parks Department will donate the electricity and community volunteers will monitor the park daily to make sure everything is functioning properly.  Tanner Jeans Park/Field has limited electricity and neighbors don’t want to hear a noisy generator, so the plan is to light the fence line, back stop and a few trees and bushes with LED lights.  They would then decorate the picnic shelter with solar-powered lights.  If the solar-powered lights work well, they plan add more each year.

Lindsey hopes to reach her fundraising goal by the end of November – leaving enough time to buy the lights and install them the first week in December.  Her big plans also include a lighting ceremony combined with a food drive for the North Bend Food Bank.  She also hopes Tanner’s parents will help her plug in the lights for the first time.

“Both myself and the Board of the Tanner Jeans Memorial Foundation are touched by the thought of lighting up the park.  We hope it is a testament to the light that Tanner brought to many people’s lives, and to his continued legacy.  The fact that a young adult came to us with this idea is even more heart warming, and is a shining example of the support and comfort that makes this community an extension of each resident’s family.”   
–Laurie Gibbs, President, TJMF, on behalf of the entire Board.

Lindsey Brown has big dreams and high hopes to bring light and joy to Snoqualmie for the holiday season.  She’s made it easy to donate by setting up a Facebook online donation page.  You can help this tenacious young lady light up Tanner Jeans Field by contributing  here.  If you would like to volunteer to hang lights on December 3rd and 4th, email your contact info to

Good Luck, Lindsey!

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  • This is GREAT! I like how easy it is to contribute online. Thank you Lindsay and thank you TJMF!

  • Living Snoqualmie