We all know we live with wildlife in the Snoqualmie Valley, but it still doesn’t make it any easier to hear stories of family pets being attacked by the wildlife that share our valley.
Kiro News reported last evening that a golden retriever was attacked by a cougar while sleeping on a Riverbend home’s front porch.
A neighbor told Kiro News that the dog’s owner heard a commotion around 3AM Wednesday morning. When he went to investigate, he saw a cougar carrying his dog into the woods. The dog was later found dead in those woods.
Fish and Wildlife Officer, Jason Capelli says, “We have set a trap for the cat, however, we have not had success yet.” He went on to add, “It is an unfortunate situation, however, there is an extremely low risk to any human safety from cougars.”
To read the full story and/or watch the news story visit Kiro TV’s story HERE.