Last Public Comment Session On Snoqulamie Middle School Annexation/9th Grade Campus Tonight, March 8th

If you have something on your mind regarding the potential annexation of Snoqualmie Middle School to MSHS as a Freshman Campus and would like to share it in person with the SVSD School Board, then tonight is your last chance.

There is a special Public Comment Session on the topic tonight, March 8th, at 6:15PM at the District Office located at 8001 Silva Ave in Historic Snoqualmie.  Upon arrival citizens can sign up for a two-minute speaking slot.  The Public Comment Session ends at 7:15PM.   The regularly scheduled School Board Meeting then begins at 7:30PM during which the board is scheduled to vote on the timing of annexing Snoqualmie Middle School.

District administration want to proceed with the annexation in 2013, even with no replacement school for SMS.  Current Snoqualmie Middle School students would be bused to Chief Kanim Middle School in Fall City or Twin Falls Middle School on the eastern edge of North Bend.  Approximately 14 portables would be needed to house the displaced Snoqualmie students.

For tonight’s full School Board Meeting Agenda click here.  If you have thoughts to share with the school board, but are unable to attend tonight’s public comment session you can find their email address here.  You can also take a community survey on the proposed annexation here.  That survey closes at 12PM today.  The district closed its feedback survey/form on Monday.

Comments are closed.

Living Snoqualmie