Mount Si Senior Class "McGrad Night" Fundraiser Hits North Bend McDonalds Wednesday, May 2nd!

The Mount Si Senior Class is taking over the North Bend McDonald’s this Wednesday, May 2nd, from 5PM-8PM.  This fundraiser plays a key role in providing scholarships to help send every MSHS senior (who wants to attend) to the 2012 Senior Class Grad Night event.  Travis Schlamp, North Bend McDonald’s manager, was happy to help out the Grad Night Planning Co-Chairs, Felicia Stone and Michele McRae.  They said, “Travis gave ideas on advertisement and been a terrific support.”

The committee had no problem gathering MSHS volunteers to man the cash registers and drive-thru windows for their McDonald’s “McGrad Night” fundraiser.  Varsity Football coach, Charlie Kinnune, will be the official McGrad Night greeter.  Principal John Belcher may just take your order while the MSHS Cheer Team and Wildcat Mascot add a little atmosphere to the establishment.  All proceeds from the event will fund scholarships for Grad Night.

Grad night is a yearly, top-secret Mount Si High School Graduation event.  Immediately following their Graduation Reception, seniors are herded onto buses and whisked away to their Grad Night, a night designed to help the graduating class celebrate their achievement in a safe and sober environment.  Grad Night activities and festivities keep seniors busy all night and then deliver them back to the MSHS parking lot at 6AM; tired, but the hopefully also full of good memories for their last day as a MSHS Wildcat.

The event planning committee is formed while the kids are still juniors.  This year’s committee is headed up by Felicia Stone and Michele McRae.  The entire event is planned by these moms and other committee members – from the location, down to the smallest detail.  Felicia and Michele have been busy for a solid year planning Grad Night – starting last year when they got to welcome the then junior class to their new, senior bleacher spot during Mount Si’s annual “Moving Up” assembly.  Felicia says she and Michele were nearly trampled as the kids ran from one side of the gym to the other to claim the coveted spot.  Felicia adds, “It was a moment we will never forget as we do this one last thing for our outgoing daughters and other seniors”

The Grad Night committee put in extra time this year, as it was the first year they went without the services of a party planner.  The committee weighed the costs of the party planner versus the need for scholarships.  It was decided that a party planner was something they could do without in order to provide needed scholarships that would allow more seniors to enjoy their Grad Night.

As is the tradition, Grad Night events are kept top-secret and this year is no exception.  This year’s Grad Night is something that has never been done at Mount Si.  The suspense is high and planning committee members hope the memories will last for many years.  Some small hints have been dropped to seniors throughout the year, but only for safety reasons.

To date, there are about 170 seniors attending Grad Night, with 10 scholarship requested.  The goal is to send about 225 on the trip.  Grad Night committee members are at Mount Si every Thursday during all three lunches selling tickets, handing out forms and answering questions.

Come grab some dinner or just dessert and help support this year’s Mount Si High School Senior Class of 2012 on Wednesday, May 2nd, 5PM-8PM at the North Bend McDonalds.

If you would like to donate to the MSHS Grad Night scholarship fund or need more information please contact Felicia Stone at or 425-577-3298.



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