‘We Need a Bathroom!’ Working to Bring Permanent Toilets to Shores of Snoqualmie River in Fall City

There’s one thing that’s missing along the Snoqualmie River near Fall City for the thousands of floaters and fishers who visit each year…. a permanent place to “relieve yourself.”

Instead of the Fall City Parks District applying for grants each year (not guaranteed funding) to bring in port-a-potties for a few months, the Mountains to Sound Greenway Trust is stepping in to help bring a permanent solution – and solve this ‘potty-less along the Snoqualmie River’ situation in Fall City.

Floaters on the Snoqualmie River near Fall City. Photo; Screenshot fundraiser video.
Floaters on the Snoqualmie River near Fall City. Photo; Screenshot fundraiser video.

‘We Need a Bathroom’

The Snoqualmie River is less than an hour’s drive from Seattle, which makes it a popular year-round destination, with over 26,000 people visiting each year to enjoy the river’s  beauty, jump in to cool off, float its currents and fish from its shores.

Access points in Fall City bring lots of river traffic to the area each summer. The only issue? There is no a permanent toilet for outdoor enthusiasts along the river. So the Mountains to Sound Greenway Trust is leading a fundraising campaign to install a permanent vault toilet at two popular river access points.

Keeping the Northwest green and clean doesn’t just happen on its own. With port-a-potties only available for for a few months of the year, that often leaves the brush along the river as a place for folks to “relieve” themselves – and river clean up volunteers often deal with human “leftovers” along the beautiful river.

According to a Mountains to Sound Greenway spokesperson, the site currently being considered for a permanent vault toilet is owned by the Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife, which doesn’t have enough funding to pay for temporary or permanent toilets. But if the fundraiser is successful, Fish and Wildlife has agreed to pump the permanent, and much cheaper to maintain, vault toilets .

Pony Up for a Potty

The fundraiser, PONY UP FOR A POTTYis asking the public to help keep the Snoqualmie River a beautiful, clean place to swim, fish and float for generations to come… and asking how much they value a place to go to the bathroom?

You can simply name a price and Pony up for a Potty on the campaign’s online fundraising page. On the website you can also watch a video on this ‘potty-less along the river’ issue. Organizers say with limited public agency funding available, any amount people can contribute will help.

[The Mountains to Sound Greenway is the 1.5 million-acre landscape connecting Puget Sound and central Washington. The Mountains to Sound Greenway Trust leads and inspires action to conserve and enhance the Greenway, ensuring a long-term balance between people and nature. Founded in 1991, the Greenway Trust works to promote public land acquisitions, connect a continuous regional trail system, preserve rural lifestyles, teach people of all ages about forests and wildlife, and mobilize thousands of volunteers to care for the landscape.]

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  • Thank you for posting. Please take a minute and check out the video and campaign page: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/pony-up-for-a-potty/x/8384643.

  • Living Snoqualmie