Valley News

Changes in Snoqualmie Valley School District Risks Reduction in Access to Highly Capable Services

Updated: Snoqualmie Police Dept Investigating Armed Robbery with Shot Fired

Help Save a Life with CPR, AED, First Aid, and Stop the Bleed Classes

Fire Blotter | Pedestrian on Side of Freeway; Fall at Golf Club; Possible Fentanyl Ingestion

The City of North Bend is Seeking your Input: Housing Action Plan Survey and Open House

Public Asked to Help Identify Sidewalk Trip Hazards for Repair in 2023

Snoqualmie Valley Winter Wildlife Survival

Tennant Trailhead Park Groundbreaking Ceremony Celebrates New Recreation Opportunities in North Bend

Police Blotter | Shoplifting; Welfare Check; Theft at Bartells

Seattle Audubon Returns Ancestral Lands to Snoqualmie Indian Tribe: Nonprofit Supports Land Back through Donation 

Washington State begins its 2023 Legislative Session

Police Blotter | Suspicious Activity; Hit & Run; Burglary

Fire Blotter | Ski Area Accident; Possible Broken Ankle; Overturned Kayak

North Bend Planning Commissioner Wilson Appointed to King County Superior Court

January Proclaimed National Mentoring Month in Snoqualmie

Snoqualmie Casino Takes Guests “Around the World” on New Years’ Eve

Fire Blotter | Elevator Mishap; Taco Time Fire; Paragliding Crash

Special Yard Waste Collection Event for Community Storm Cleanup in North Bend on January 21st

Westbound SR 18 Truck Climbing Lane Closure in Snoqualmie, January 9-12

Police Blotter | Holiday Light Scrooge; Partying Juveniles; Yelling Individual

Snoqualmie Valley School Superintendent Settlement: What went wrong? (part two)

Detectives Seeking Information About a Pedestrian Fatality Collision

Wind Advisory in Effect for the Snoqualmie Valley: January 4th Through January 5th

Snoqualmie Police Dept. Investigating Arson at North Bend Taco Time

Living Snoqualmie