North Bend City Council Approves Resolution Including City Properties in Potential Meadowbrook Sewer ULID

On February 1, 2022, the North Bend City Council unanimously approved a resolution confirming the inclusion of City-owned properties within a potential Meadowbrook Sewer Utility Local Improvement District (ULID).

The sewer network system project area includes most of the western portion of the city limits that is not currently served by sewer and relies on septic systems and associated drain fields.  

The approved resolution authorizes the Mayor to sign a petition to include City-owned properties within a potential Meadowbrook Sewer ULID, provided that (a) the area of the proposed sewer ULID as depicted on the petition includes the City-owned parcels, (b) only after the petition is first signed by the owners of property constituting a majority of the private property within the area of the proposed sewer ULID, and (c) after taking into consideration the expressed desires of private property owners within the ULID area. 

Councilmember Rosen expressed concerns saying, “In general, as I said, I think last time we had a work-study that I am in support of the city’s participation with one condition, which is finding a way to get the residential properties removed.

View the full amended resolution here.

This resolution does NOT create the Meadowbrook ULID. Instead, the City felt it was appropriate to make an express commitment before considering any proposed boundaries, including the significant City-owned in this area, including the expansive Meadowbrook Farm and Tollgate Farm Park.

Wende Miller of Bendigo Properties LLC, the original petitioner and developer building the Snoqualmie Valley Athletic Center, commented,

“I’m pleased to see that the City Council voted to sign a petition and be a part of the Meadowbrook ULID. While we still need to pass the formation of the ULID, we felt it was finally moving in a positive direction. The majority of the City Council suggested that it is time to move beyond archaic septic system use and integrate a more modern and environmentally sound solution. The majority of private landowners in the Meadowbrook area have been requesting this for years, so was interesting to see the added clause regarding “desires of private property owners, as the majority of private property owners have already signed petitions requesting the ULID.”

“We are excited to be progressing forward to bring these much-needed utilities to Meadowbrook with the support of the City Council and Mayor.”

If/when the Meadowbrook ULID moves forward, a Public Hearing will be announced at least 30 days ahead as required before the City Council considers any final action of approval.

The Meadowbrook area is an integral part of the City’s Comprehensive Plan. As a property owner-led ULID, this proposed sewer improvement project would provide a mix of commercial and residential property owners in this area the opportunity to install sewer or convert aging septic systems to a modern and environmentally sound sewer system.

North Bend’s newest council member Mark Joselyn noted that the City had been on the path to bring sewer to Meadowbrook for a very long time with good intentions, good people and lots of interest in the citizens.

Jocelyn said, “This is the most basic of questions; what does a city council do? The reason there are cities is because people need someplace to put their waste. Go back in time to the beginning of what drove people to come together and participate in joint governments…there is a joint benefit that accrues to all of us.”

Bringing sewer to the Meadowbrook area is also supported by the City’s Wastewater System Facilities Plan

An installed sewer system would provide individual property owners with development opportunities that better align with zoned uses in the Meadowbrook area, promoting a robust commercial tax base and less reliance on residential property taxes for the City’s operating budget. Learn more about the proposed infrastructure improvement project by visiting the Meadowbrook ULID webpage and the 2021 Preliminary Feasibility and Special Benefit Analysis.

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