North Bend to Hold Town Hall meeting on Water Rights; mayor hopes will alleviate concerns

The City of North Bend is preparing to talk water…. water rights that is… and hoping to calms residents’ concerns that it is running out of water.

The city is inviting community members to a Town Hall meeting at 6:30PM on Thursday, October 18th at Mount Si Senior Center, 411 Main Ave in where information will be provided about water rights in North Bend.

“We have heard concerns about whether there will be enough water for our current residents with the new homes coming in,” Mayor Ken Hearing said. “This Town Hall meeting will provide information about our water rights and mitigation water supply from a water hydrologist and City staff and, hopefully, alleviate these concerns.”

Water hydrologist Nicole DeNovio, PhD, LG, Senior Consultant/Associate with Golder & Associates, will provide a presentation that walks through North Bend’s water rights, but the majority of the meeting will offer an opportunity for attendees to provide feedback and ask questions.

North Bend is currently working on a water agreement with the Sallal Water Association and also close to exercising the purchase of a portion of the Cascade Golf Course for its water well/rights. In its 2008 DOE water permit, the city is required to have a secondary mitigation water source, which the Sallal agreement and/or CGC water rights might help fulfill.

To read more about North Bend and water right visit our earlier article: Water, Development and the Environment collide in North Bend




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