North Bend

Letter | Snoqualmie Valley at a crossroads, Melissa Johnson will lead district in right direction

Joint effort brings ‘Toxic Stress’ presentation to Mount Si High School, free for parents and students

Video | Right place, right time as elk navigate fast-moving Snoqualmie River

Halloween Harvest Fun this weekend: trick or treat, petting zoos, haunted houses, hayrides and more

Police Blotter | Running car parked on my front lawn; butt-dial gun fire; the great puppy masquerade

Business Comings & Goings: Coffee hub closing; Frankie’s, MOD, Iron Duck, Safeway fuel opening dates; plus more

Q&A with School Board Candidates: local taxes, communications, and policy making

Attention Foodies: Snoqualmie Valley Restaurants celebrate homegrown food during Bounty Week

‘Stand Up for Students, Sit Down for Breakfast’: help Friends of Youth get mental health counselor in every Snoqualmie Valley school

Letter | Fancher will Listen to voice of the community, ask tough questions as school board member

Road to recovery underway for North Bend woman shot in Las Vegas; devoted husband by her side

New Disc Golf Mini Course comes to local park, thanks to volunteer effort of local Boy Scout

Letter | District putting parents on Need-to- know basis, Time for Change – Vote Melissa Johnson for School Board

Tips to help local Wildlife stay Wild as sightings increase: coyote gets close, bobcats on porches, bears stroll sidewalks,

Snoqualmie to build first all-inclusive playground, seeks community input at upcoming meeting

Police Blotter | Bears, Wind, Stolen liquor and a Scary Movie Set

Letter | Firefighters say Thank You to Community

As BIG Property Tax Increase Looms, state legislators say school board should provide tax relief, substantially lower levy rate

After months of delays, Chinook Lumber finally ready to break ground on new North Bend store

Two steps closer to Affordable Housing development in Snoqualmie

City opposed to new Weigh Station near exit 34; says essentially another Truck Stop

Video | Mom, daughter capture Snoqualmie ‘Brother Bears’ up close play time

Grand opening celebration of new Middle Fork Road, multiple new trails happens this weekend

Elect Gary Fancher: experience to help school district address challenges of expectations, enrollment growth

Living Snoqualmie