North Bend

Relocating History from Bellingham to Snoqualmie: century-old steam locomotive gets new home at Northwest Railway Museum

Social media, tips help police arrest woman suspected of stealing thousands in materials from North Bend model home

Letter | MacLean the right choice for School Board

Mount Si’s Coach Kinnune named Seahawks High School Coach of the Week

Removing the Transportation Barrier | Retired King County van gifted to Snoqualmie Valley Shelter

North Bend needs better garbage cans: Bear Smart, WA works to bring bear-resistant option to rural area

Weather Causes Construction Delay in North Bend; Road to re-open September 29th

Community Shuttle Route 628 expands hours for Snoqualmie Valley bus riders

Streets alive with Music: North Bend Blues Walk takes over downtown this weekend

Tour Northwest Railway Museum Train Shed FREE this weekend

Three months after horrific car accident, local teen still healing; September 23rd fundraiser to help with medical costs

Search suspended for Russian hiker missing near North Bend

Police Blotter | Helped myself to your hose; crossbow in the woods; no cursing in front of the kids; here, take my backpack

Will Snoqualmie Valley Hospital become Regional Health? After intense debate, Board invites Regional representatives to present, take questions

Ribbon Cutting: City celebrates remodeled Torguson Park, complete with $1.7 million in upgrades

Crews search Middlefork area near North Bend for Russian businessman, missing four days

Fall Forums: Chance to find out where council, mayor, school board candidates stand on issues

Learn to Protect Yourself: Women’s Self-Defense Course Open to North Bend, Snoqualmie Residents

Unclear if Snoqualmie Valley Athletic Complex ready in time for 2018 Mount Si Baseball, Softball season

Focus on Safety: District implements enhanced security systems at all schools, tracks visitors on campus

Big Weekend Events in Snoqualmie: Block Party, Community Garage Sale, Recycle almost anything for FREE

Support Our Seniors in September: Mt. Si Senior Center launches big fundraising effort with dinner auction

Bring on Halloween: Night on a Dark Trail prepares for 7th year; seeks Volunteers to bring on the spook

Early morning North Bend house fire does extensive damage to garage

Living Snoqualmie