North Bend

New Snoqualmie Bartells opens this weekend; grand opening event slated for August 5th

Downtown Facelift: North Bend starts big construction project, Monday, July 24th

Sinkhole discovered on I-90 near Issaquah; lane closure, repair work causes 4-mile backup

Snoqualmie sees rash of vandalism, graffiti; citizens encouraged to report destructive acts

EJ Roberts Park could be without play structure for months; equipment deemed unsafe, removed

Semi flips, loses load near Snoqualmie Casino

Ready for the Crowds? Day out with Thomas returns this weekend, with more trains added

Outdoor Theater in the Park comes to Si View Park: Time to ‘Get your Play on’

Snoqualmie Valley Hospital gets trauma designation, first new hospital added to State trauma system in 10 years

City extends public comment period for 191-unit affordable housing development

Put down the Cell Phone | Tougher Distracted Driving Law starts soon, Snoqualmie Police will be looking for violators

Snoqualmie Falls Forest Theater brings ‘Once upon a Mattress’ to open-air amphitheater

Help shape the path for region’s needed transportation investments, take quick quesionnaire

Hey North Bend…Want more parks, open space, less development? Town Hall set to hear feedback

Business Comings: Brickyard Brewing, Glass & Bottle Bistro get new names; Frankie’s comes to Snoqualmie; Optimal Health moves

Important community meeting on Mental Health, July 6th

191-unit Affordable Housing apartment complex proposed in Snoqualmie; July 3rd meeting offers chance to hear presentation

Police close North Fork Road for hours to deal with barricaded male

Snoqualmie Hills landowner: How the Urban Growth Area protects natural areas surrounding the Snoqualmie Valley

NEW Mt. Teneriffe Trailhead, parking lot opens this weekend

Prepare for more Traffic headaches, delays over Snoqualmie Pass, through North Bend

Meadowbrook Bridge to Close Wednesday, June 28th

2nd annual Red, White and Boom Fireworks Show set to delight the Snoqualmie Valley this 4th of July

Police Blotter | Late night weed-wacking; chronic shoplifting; car ‘drunk-ditched’ in roundabout; smoking pot in the park

Living Snoqualmie