North Bend

A Chance to Govern the Snoqualmie Valley School District: Two Board seats up for Election, filing date looms

First of its kind in Washington: Encompass new Mobile Therapy Unit hits the streets in May

LEARN: Innovative Suicide Prevention Workshop back at Mount Si High School, April 20th

Business Comings: vacant downtown building could become new Bar and Grill, public hearing scheduled

Back on the Front Burner: Long Delay of North Bend hotel project stemmed from developer, not city

North Bend Jazz Walk returns to streets of North Bend this weekend

Legacy of community partnership, preservation: Meadowbrook Farm Park turns 20 with a BIG Party

North Bend Rallies Community Support in Celebrating Twin Peaks season 3 premiere

New 212 unit apartment complex planned for North Bend Way

Come Ride: Local businesses partner on Bike Fit and Cycling Information Night, April 19th

Bring on the Eggs! LOTS of Easter Egg Hunts on tap this Weekend

Theatre Black Dog brings popular, classic ‘Our Town’ to Sallal Grange stage

Tragic accident takes life of logger deep in Snoqualmie Tree Farm

Snoqualmie man killed in avalanche near Snoqualmie Pass, Red Mountain

Loss of a Giant: Longtime Snoqualmie city councilman, former mayor Charles Peterson passes away

The Rusty Roof: North Bend native one step closer to opening dream restaurant, building it from ground up

Fatal accident in North Bend as vehicle leaves I-90, ends up below freeway on Snoqualmie Valley Trail

“It takes a village to protect children”; FBI chooses Snoqualmie for important child abduction training

New Twin Peaks premiere draws closer, Snoqualmie prepares with Big event at Old Mill Site

Mount Si High School names new assistant principal; first outside-district leadership hire in years

The Birdfeeder Club | Don’t you…forget about seeds; identifying birds of the Snoqualmie Valley

Warning: Snoqualmie Police to Host Child Abduction Exercise, FBI training

Acclaimed Mount Si Music program sends Jazz Band to NYC Essentially Ellington competition AGAIN, Fundraiser helps pave the way

Realizing a Vision: Partnership expands Torguson Bike Park, becomes ‘gateway’ to city park

Living Snoqualmie