Two weeks ahead of the official candidate filing period, current Snoqualmie City Councilmembers Katherine Ross and Sean Sundwall both announced they will seek re-election in the upcoming November election.
Ross will be running to retain Council Position #2 and Sundwall will try to retain Position #6. They were appointed to city council in April 2017 when Councilmember Chelley Patterson moved out of the city and after the unexpected death of Councilmember Charles Peterson. Ross and Sundwall were required to run in November 2017 to continue serving (elections they both won) – and now are running again – this time in the 4-year election set for their current seats.

Ross has lived in Snoqualmie with her husband and twin daughters for 15 years. As a community volunteer for almost two decades, she said she has devoted herself to supporting the needs of families and children in the Valley. “As a councilmember, my mission is to preserve, protect, and enhance the Snoqualmie way of life for all of us by guiding resources for our families and children, economic development, and transportation.”
Per her campaign announcement, “With one of the youngest populations in the state, Snoqualmie deserves community gathering places that support our families and children. As City liaison to the YMCA, I will explore options for expanding the community center and adding a pool.”
Ross says she is also dedicated to strengthening Snoqualmie’s ongoing economic development in a way that is responsive to the needs of the community through tourism and housing for our workforce and seniors will continue to advocate for the Snoqualmie Parkway dedicated I90 on-ramp, additional safety features a exits and the construction of SR18/I90 interchange.
More info on Ross’s campaign can be found at

According to Sundwall’s campaign announcement, in 2017 he campaigned with the slogan “Leadership that Listens” with a focus on transparency and community engagement. Shortly after being named a Councilmember, he said he spearheaded the City’s efforts to live stream Council meetings. He said he was also integral in the planning and promotion of this year’s quarterly town hall meetings, the second of which will take place May 19th with two others planned in September and December.
“As a longtime resident and business owner in this wonderful community, I am passionate about keeping Snoqualmie the awesome place it is,” said Sundwall. “During my time on Council I have worked hard to represent all Snoqualmie residents and will continue to do so should I win re-election.”
Sundwall has lived in Snoqualmie with his wife and four children since 2005. He also owns the Sean Sundwall Insurance Agency (American Family Insurance) in downtown Snoqualmie, as well as Run Snoqualmie, LLC. He is the head Cross Country coach and Assistant Track coach at Mount Si High School.
For more campaign information visit