According to the Washington State Patrol (WSP), a fatality accident occurred around 8 pm, on Westbound 202 near 244th, blocking the roadway for 2 hours and 13 minutes.
Vehicle one, a 2012 red Buick, was traveling westbound on SR2020, attempting to turn left onto 244th Avenue NE on a flashing yellow arrow.

Vehicle two, a 2014 black Harley Davidson traveling eastbound, entered the intersection when vehicle one turned in front of vehicle two.
The rider of the Harley Davidson was ejected, and the vehicle came to rest in the eastbound lanes. Vehicle three, a 2019 Toyota, was traveling westbound on SR202 and struck the vehicle’s rider.
The rider of the Harley Davidson, a 31-year-old man from North Bend, was deceased at the scene. The 93-year-old female driver of the Buick was cited at the scene for negligence. The cause of the accident was noted as failure to yield.
All of the other participants were wearing seatbelts and were not injured.
Tragic all around. People rarely go the speed limit on 202 and the road widens (into a through and turn lane) right before the intersection with 244th (both directions). There is a light at the 3 way intersection, but I don’t think it is a flashing yellow? +At 8pm the sun is setting in the east so someone traveling west would be looking into the sun at that time of day.