School News

Snoqualmie Valley Community Network’s Heart of the Valley Gala returns February 8th

Fighting Hunger: Mount Si Cheer, Culinary Arts team up for Empty Bowls Fundraiser

Due to Icy Roads, Snoqualmie Valley Schools Closed Friday, January 17th

School Board work session scheduled to discuss encouraging or requiring all 10th graders to take standardized tests

Snoqualmie Valley School District open on time, buses on snow routes January 10th

Snoqualmie Valley Athletic Complex project delayed but not dead; sewer could soon be coming to western North Bend

Snoqualmie Police Department to launch drug dog program in 2020

Mount Si Boys Basketball starts season with #1 state ranking; faces #2 Union in home opener this weekend

Opstad Elementary Teacher honored as a ‘Hero in the Classroom’

Mount Si Football shocks Lake Stevens, moves into 4A State semi finals

Local Businesses partner with school district to provide NEW Student Study Spots

Snoqualmie Tribe, Casino hold special program to honor service members this Veteran’s Day, unveil major gift from Wounded Warrior Family Support Organization

‘Give a Night Save a Life’ Fundraiser to support Snoqualmie Valley youth programs happens November 6th

‘Message in a Bottle’ written two decades ago by North Bend Elementary students discovered on remote Hawaiian Island

School Board Candidates Rivas, Simpson address sustainable budgets, increasing taxes, top education initiatives

School Board candidates Doy, Grez discuss possible budget cuts, balancing tax increases and education funding, how to best prepare students

A Kindness Movement: 1st Annual Love Snoqualmie Valley Volunteer Day happens October 5th

Fire, loss of directors means no Night on a Dark Trail this year for Snoqualmie Valley

SnoValley Chamber of Commerce hosting FREE candidate forums in October

Success: local students take 1,200 FREE bus rides with Snoqualmie Valley Transportation’s Summer Freedom program

New Mount Si High School unveiled to community: “More than a facility. It’s our hopes for the future”

New TV comedy ‘Three Busy Debras’ films in Snoqualmie, transforms YMCA into Lemondcurd Community Center

Snoqualmie Valley school board approves $108 million operating budget, includes $1.6 million deficit

Meadowbrook Way to get Honorary ‘Wildcat Way’ name, celebrating Mount Si High School

Living Snoqualmie