Sheriffs Office Holding Meeting to Discuss Registered Sex Offender Moving to Fall City

The King County Sheriff’s Office (KCSO) Registered Sex Offender Unit will hold a community meeting will on Tuesday, October 16th, at 6:30pm at the Fall City Library, 33415 SE 42nd Place, in downtown Fall City to discuss a level 3 sex offender who registered a new address in the Fall City area.

Bulletins have been requested for a community notification mailing to a radius around the offender’s new address.  Those Fall City area notification mailers should be arriving shortly.

According to the King County Sheriff’s Office, “Community notification is standard practice for all moderate and high risk offenders (level 2 and level 3) who move to a new address.” The same offenders are also listed on the King County Sheriff’s Office website.

The King County Sheriff’s Office will hold the community meeting to “provide information regarding all Level 3 offenders and standard safety to assist the community with any questions or concerns.”

At the meeting, a KCSO Detective will also discuss how to talk to children regarding talking to strangers and the offender that is now in the area.

For more information about the offender you can visit the King County Sheriff’s Office website.  If you live in the area and have questions or concerns, you are encouraged to attend the October 16th meeting.

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