UPDATE | February 20th, 9AM
WSDOT geo-techs visited the slide on SR 203 near NE Stillwater Hill Road on Wednesday, February 19th and will next several days analyzing their observations to determine how the slide is moving. A temporary signal is alternating traffic through the open northbound lane.
On Tuesday, February 18, 2020, the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) closed one lane of SR 203 between Carnation and Duvall to address another slow moving landslide that has caused roadway damage.
WSDOT said slide is causing the pavement to crack and separate at milepost 8.5, adding that crews were aware of the cracking in the area, but that it had worsened (sunk about 5 inches) to the point where they needed to close one lane.
Geo-tech crews are expected to examine the area on Wednesday, February 19th, giving them a better idea of the repairs needed. WSDOT will not have an ETA for fully reopen the road until crews can make that assessment.
Tuesday afternoon WSDOT said the closure was flagger controlled, but that a portable light would be installed to control alternating traffic.
WSDOT reported a small traffic slow down in the closure area during the Tuesday evening commute and urged drivers to plan for extra time if driving this route on Wednesday.
Some drivers who use this stretch of SR 203 are urging others to slow their speed to avoid accidents.
This story will be updated as more information becomes available.

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